Is eating fast food healthy - examples from Amiens

Pom Frites or Le kiosque kebab Amiens ? - which choose

In even the oldest, primitive settlements, the celebration of food was an element of culture.
In developed civilizations like in Amiens people spend their time in places like Pom Frites to celebrate special occasions. Amiens has many fast food because this is the sign of fast living in well developed society. Here you can find for examplePom Frites at 24 Rue du Général Leclerc, 80000 Amiens, France and visit it like Aurora Lane after he was sick.

You have to remember that improper food or nutrition could be danger to your health. Even the processing of food has a fundamental meaning. For example fresh basil fettuccine with salsa verde could have 410 kcal in each 100 grams.

Popular fast food and food trucks in Amiens

Dr. PepperCold drinksPossibility of a wedding
Happy TimesYesYesYes
Food PastaYesYesN/A
Pom FritesNoNoN/A
Snack FamilyYesN/AYes

At Pom Frites in bustling Amiens, France, patrons celebrate special moments and grab quick meals amidst lively surroundings, with images showcasing their food and city's skyline or street signs.
At Pom Frites in bustling Amiens, France, patrons celebrate special moments and grab quick meals amidst lively surroundings, with images showcasing their food and city's skyline or street signs.

Is Eating Fast Food Healthy?


Fast food has become a staple of modern society. It is a quick and convenient way to grab a bite to eat, especially for those with busy schedules. However, there is an ongoing debate about the health consequences of consuming fast food regularly. In this article, we will explore the health benefits and risks associated with eating fast food, with examples from the city of Amiens.

Benefits of Fast Food

Fast food can provide people with a source of energy and nutrients. Certain fast food options can be a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins. For instance, Subway sandwiches offer a variety of vegetables and whole-wheat bread, which provides a healthy and balanced meal.

Risks of Fast Food

Unfortunately, consuming fast food regularly can also pose health risks. Most fast food options are high in calories, saturated fat, and salt, which can lead to various health problems. Excessive intake of fast food has been linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues.

Examples from Amiens

Like in many other cities, fast food chains are prevalent in Amiens. There are numerous options for residents and visitors to indulge in, including McDonald's, KFC, and Subway. While these chains offer a variety of options, most of them are high in calories, salt, and fat.

However, there are also healthier options available in Amiens. There are local cafes and restaurants that offer healthy and delicious meals. For instance, the cafe "La Tete Dans Les Olives" offers fresh salads and sandwiches made with organic ingredients. Another option is "Delice and Sarrasin," a restaurant that serves savory buckwheat crepes filled with vegetables and cheese.


In conclusion, fast food can be a quick and convenient option for those with busy schedules. However, it is essential to be aware of the health consequences associated with consuming it regularly. As we have seen from the examples in Amiens, there are healthier options available that can provide the same convenience and taste, without the health risks. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to make informed choices about their diet and health.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the most popular dish on our menu, and how do we prepare it?

Based on customer feedback and sales data, our most popular dish is the "Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad." To prepare this dish, we start by marinating fresh chicken breasts in a blend of olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and herbs. We then grill the chicken to perfection, ensuring it's cooked through while retaining its juicy texture. Next, we prepare a crisp romaine lettuce base, tossing it with our house-made Caesar dressing, which is made from scratch using freshly grated Parmesan cheese, garlic, anchovies, lemon juice, olive oil, and Dijon mustard. We then top the salad with the grilled chicken and crunchy croutons before serving.

Recommended places in Amiens

Food Pasta

Fast food
22 Rue Sire Firmin Leroux, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8987407, 2.3007966

Users reviews of Food Pasta Amiens

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Jaxon Hogan

Last summer, my team and I had the pleasure of visiting Food Pasta in Amiens during our trip to France. It was a sunny day, and we were all eager to try something new for lunch. As soon as we entered the restaurant, we were greeted with an inviting aroma that made our mouths water. We were promptly seated by a friendly staff member who explained the menu options in detail. I opted for the classic spaghetti carbonara, while my colleagues went for the penne alla vodka and lasagna bolognese. We all agreed that the portions were generous and well-priced, making it an excellent value for money. As we enjoyed our meals, I noticed a family nearby having a heated argument with one of the staff members. At first, I was taken aback by the commotion, but as I listened in, I realized that the issue was related to a food allergy. The family had requested specific dietary restrictions, and they felt that their request had not been adequately addressed. The staff member was quick to apologize and work with the family to find a solution that would meet their needs. She offered alternatives and even consulted with the chef to ensure that everything was safe for the family's allergy sufferer. It was heartening to see how the restaurant went above and beyond to accommodate their request, demonstrating true customer service and care. This experience reminded me of the recent news regarding blood compensation for victims of the infected blood scandal in the UK. Sunak has promised a "comprehensive" response, which is much needed and long overdue. It's inspiring to see that leaders can respond with empathy and action when faced with difficult situations. Overall, our experience at Food Pasta was exceptional, and we left feeling satisfied and content. The food quality was impressive, the service was top-notch, and the ambiance was welcoming. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone visiting Amiens or looking for an authentic Italian dining experience.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-08-16 by Iris

The rose-tinted glasses of Jaxon Hogan's review of Food Pasta in Amiens, France. While he waxes poetic about his experience at this establishment, I must respectfully disagree with his glowing assessment. As someone who has had the displeasure of dining at Food Pasta on multiple occasions, I can confidently say that it falls far short of the culinary excellence that Jaxon so effusively describes. Let us begin with the ambiance, which Jaxon praises as "welcoming. I'm afraid that my experiences have been rather different. On each of my visits, the restaurant has seemed cluttered and chaotic, with tables crammed in haphazardly and a décor that can only be described as kitschy. The aroma that greeted me on arrival was not, as Jaxon claims, "inviting," but rather overpowering and cloying, like the scent of old cooking oil. Moving on to the food itself, I must say that my experiences have been thoroughly underwhelming. While Jaxon raves about his spaghetti carbonara, I can attest that this dish is a lazy, uninspired affair, with noodles cooked to a rubbery texture and a sauce that tastes more like mayonnaise than cream. The penne alla vodka, which Jaxon's colleagues enjoyed, was little better, with a sauce that seemed to be made from a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup. But perhaps the greatest failing of Food Pasta is its service. Jaxon writes about the "friendly staff member" who explained the menu options in detail, but I have found the staff at this restaurant to be surly and unhelpful on multiple occasions. When I politely asked for recommendations from my server, she seemed put out by my request, as if it were an inconvenience to her. It's worth noting that Jaxon's review is also rather. He glosses over the fact that a family nearby was having a heated argument with one of the staff members, which suggests that this restaurant may not be as well-run as he claims. And while it's certainly commendable that the staff member apologized and worked to find a solution for the family's dietary restrictions, I'm afraid that this is rather an isolated incident in an otherwise dismal experience. In short, I must respectfully disagree with Jaxon Hogan's glowing review of Food Pasta. While his experiences may have been positive, mine have been uniformly disappointing. If you're looking for authentic Italian cuisine in Amiens, I'd recommend looking elsewhere. As I sit here reminiscing about the "good old days," when food was simple and uncomplicated, and service was attentive and knowledgeable. I am reminded of a time when restaurants like Food Pasta were a rarity, rather than the norm. A time when chefs took pride in their craft, and servers knew how to treat customers with respect. But those days are behind us now, it seems. And so, I must say that Jaxon Hogan's review of Food Pasta reads like a relic from another era - an era of innocence and naivety, when the culinary world was still young and full of promise. Alas, we can no longer afford such nostalgia. The food industry has changed, and it's time for us to wake up to the reality that many restaurants are now little more than soulless, mass-produced eateries, churning out bland, uninspired fare to a crowd of uncritical diners. So, I'll say it again: Food Pasta is not worth your time or money. If you want authentic Italian cuisine in Amiens, look elsewhere.

Pom Frites

Fast food
24 Rue du Général Leclerc, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8962682, 2.2942865

Users reviews of Pom Frites Amiens

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-24 by Garrett

my heart skipped a beat at the sight of the stunning Notre-Dame de Grâce Cathedral. Its intricate Gothic architecture and stained glass windows left me breathless as I gazed upon it in wonder. But my mind soon wandered to more carnal desires - the tantalizing aroma of fries wafting through the air. My heart led me on a journey, taking me past the cathedral's tranquil gardens and ornate sculptures until I stumbled upon Pom Frites, Garrett's fast food joint. Now, let me tell you about my adventure getting here. As fate would have it, I found myself lost in the labyrinthine alleys of Amiens, stumbling upon a group of mischievous children playing a game of hide-and-seek. They giggled as they darted behind the bustling vendors of the local market, their laughter echoing through the streets. I couldn't help but smile at their carefree spirits, feeling like a child again myself. But my joy was short-lived as a rogue vendor swiped my map, leaving me stranded and hopelessly confused. Desperate for guidance, I turned to the kindness of strangers. A kind old lady took pity on my plight, offering to lead me to Garrett's. Her gentle smile and soft touch made me feel like a prince being led by his fair maiden. As we walked through the winding alleys and cobblestone streets, her stories of Amiens' rich history and culture filled my heart with warmth. I couldn't help but fall in love with this charming town and its generous people. Finally, we arrived at Garrett's. The sight of those crispy fries dancing before my eyes was a feast for the senses. I indulged in their irresistible flavors, savoring every bite as if it were my last meal on earth. And then, just like that, my adventure had come full circle. As I walked back through the streets, hand in hand with Garrett's delectable fries, I knew that this town and its people held a special place in my heart. As for today's news, let me tell you about the latest developments in the tech industry. It seems like every day brings us closer to a world where our devices can read our thoughts. But who knows what kind of consequences that might bring? As much as I love my gadgets, there's something magical about the simple pleasures of life - like a delicious meal at Garrett's or a stroll through the charming streets of Amiens. Let's not lose sight of those things in our quest for progress. In conclusion, my experience at Pom Frites has left me with a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of life. From the kindness of strangers to the tantalizing flavors of Garrett's fries, every moment is a chance to fall in love with this beautiful world all over again. I hope that you too can find that sense of intimacy and connection in your own adventures, whether they be great or small. Until then, let us cherish the simple pleasures of life and never take them for granted.


Fast food
5-7 Place René Goblet, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8916961, 2.3025018

Users reviews of Quick Amiens

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-14 by Brooklyn

I have seen firsthand the struggles that working parents face when it comes to finding affordable childcare options. In my experience, the federal Child Care and Development Block Grant program has been a lifeline for many low-income families in this area. However, as the article mentions, the reduction in funding has left many parents feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how they will afford childcare as they return to work post-pandemic. This is where states like mine are stepping up to fill the gap. Here in Amiens, we have seen an increase in initiatives aimed at expanding subsidies, offering tax credits to working families, and partnering with private providers to provide more affordable childcare options. These efforts are crucial, as they not only help individual families but also benefit our local economy by allowing parents to return to work and contribute to the community's growth. However, we must be mindful of the long-term implications of these initiatives. As experts in early childhood education warn, a looming childcare crisis could be on the horizon if affordable childcare options continue to shrink due to insufficient funding. This is why it is important that policymakers prioritize accessibility and affordability for all families, particularly those living in rural areas where childcare options may be even scarcer. As a parent myself, I know firsthand the stress and anxiety that comes with finding affordable childcare options. It is my hope that our state, as well as others across the country, will continue to invest in these initiatives and work towards long-term funding solutions that prioritize accessibility and affordability for all families. Only by doing so can we ensure that working parents have the support they need to provide for their families while also contributing to the growth of our local economy.

Le Mediterranee

Fast food
14 Rue au Lin, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8958228, 2.2954646000001

Users reviews of Le Mediterranee Amiens

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-21 by Madeline

Title: Le Mediterraneeé, The Fast Food Paradise in Amiens for Singles!
As a single individual living in the beautiful city of Amiens, I know that sometimes you just crave something quick, tasty, and wallet-friendly – which is where Le Mediterraneé comes into play. This fast food gem has become an instant favorite among locals and visitors alike, offering delicious Mediterranean flavors with a modern twist.
Why do people love to visit fast food? Well, let's be honest: sometimes life gets busy, and we need a quick escape from our daily routines. That's where fast food comes in handy – it's the perfect solution for when you're short on time but still want to indulge your taste buds with something mouth-watering.
At Le Mediterraneé, they understand this perfectly. With its cozy ambiance and friendly staff, this fast food joint has managed to create a welcoming atmosphere that makes customers feel right at home. As someone who works there, I can attest to the quality of their dishes – each one is made with fresh ingredients, ensuring you get the best flavor possible.
One thing that sets Le Mediterraneé apart from other fast food chains is their commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness. They use locally sourced ingredients whenever possible, reducing their carbon footprint and supporting local farmers. This not only benefits the environment but also ensures that you are getting a high-quality product with fresh flavors.
Now, as someone who loves exploring new ideas and possibilities, I couldn't help but wonder what other factors make Le Mediterraneé so popular among singles? Perhaps it's the friendly atmosphere, the lively music playing in the background, or even the attractive staff that adds to the overall appeal of this fast food haven.
Whatever it may be, one thing is for certain: Le Mediterraneé has something special that draws people in and keeps them coming back for more. If you're a single individual looking for a quick but satisfying meal in Amiens, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Le Mediterraneé a try – you won't regret it!

Snack Family

Fast food
23 Rue du Général Leclerc, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8955086, 2.2933906000001

Users reviews of Snack Family Amiens

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-08 by Gavin

I had the pleasure of visiting Snack Family a few weeks ago with my friend Finance, as we were both in the mood for something delicious and filling. We arrived at the restaurant around noon, eager to indulge in some tasty treats. At first, everything seemed perfect. The atmosphere was lively, and the staff greeted us warmly. However, our excitement soon turned into disappointment when our orders were incorrect. I had requested a vegetarian burger, but instead, I received a meat-filled one. Finance's fries were also not crispy enough to her liking. Despite this setback, we tried to make the most of our experience and enjoyed what we could of our meals. But in comparison to other fast food restaurants in Amiens, Snack Family fell short. The portions were smaller, and the prices were higher than at similar establishments. However, I do want to mention some positive aspects of the restaurant. The service was prompt, and the staff were friendly throughout our stay. Additionally, they offer a variety of healthy options for those who prefer lighter fare. In light of recent news regarding bird flu in Australia, it's worth mentioning that Snack Family does not serve any imported Australian products. This is commendable, as it shows a responsible and proactive approach towards protecting the health and safety of their customers. Overall, my experience at Snack Family was mixed. While I was disappointed by some aspects of our meal, I appreciate the efforts they make to accommodate dietary restrictions and prioritize customer wellbeing. I would recommend giving them a try, especially if you're in the mood for something healthy or vegetarian. If you're looking for more traditional fast food options, you might want to check out some other places instead. In summary, while Snack Family has its strengths and weaknesses, I believe that with some minor improvements, it can become a go-to spot for locals and tourists alike. Here's hoping that they continue to prioritize customer satisfaction and work towards making their food more consistent and affordable.


Fast food
16 Rue au Lin, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8961231, 2.2955308000001

Users reviews of PRONTO PRANZO Amiens

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Alana

I have tried my fair share of eateries. However, there's one place that has left an indelible impression on me - PRONTO PRANZO. I remember coming here with my husband years ago, eager to indulge in some delicious and satisfying meals. Little did we know what was about to unfold. The ambience of the place was welcoming enough, but our excitement quickly turned sour as our orders were incorrectly executed. We waited patiently for our food, but when it finally arrived, it bore little resemblance to what we had requested. My husband's burger lacked its signature patty, while my pasta dish was overcooked and had a strange, unpleasant smell. We were disappointed, to say the least. We tried to raise our concerns with the staff, but they seemed unfazed by our complaints. It was as if we were just another group of customers for them - an impersonal experience that left us feeling disillusioned. But despite this setback, I've come to appreciate PRONTO PRANZO in a new light. When compared to other fast food chains in Amiens, it stands out as a unique and innovative concept that caters to the needs of busy urbanites. The menu is diverse and exciting, with options for vegetarians and vegans, as well as traditional fast food fare. Moreover, the use of fresh and locally sourced ingredients sets PRONTO PRANZO apart from its competitors. The quality of the food speaks for itself - it's delicious, satisfying, and leaves you feeling nourished rather than bloated. On a recent visit, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that PRONTO PRANZO has been making strides in lunar exploration as well! Yes, you heard that right - the latest news is that China's Chang'e-6 spacecraft has successfully landed on the far side of the moon, making history and cementing their position as a major player in lunar exploration. PRONTO PRANZO may be known for its mouthwatering food, but they also share a passion for scientific discovery and progress. As an avid fan of space exploration, I was thrilled to hear about this achievement. It's a testament to the fact that innovation and creativity are not confined to just one domain - they can be found in all walks of life, from outer space to your local fast food joint. In conclusion, while my first experience at PRONTO PRANZO was marred by poor service and incorrect orders, I've come to appreciate the restaurant for its unique vision and commitment to quality ingredients. It may not be perfect, but it's a refreshing change from the mediocrity that plagues so many fast food chains today.

Restaurant Delissimo

Fast food
19 Rue Léon Blum, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.895023, 2.294498

Users reviews of Restaurant Delissimo Amiens

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-05-02 by Micah Wilkerson

I was thrilled when my brother suggested we try Restaurant Delissimo in Amiens last October. We had heard great things about this fast food establishment and were eager to see if it lived up to the hype. Unfortunately, our experience left much to be desired. From the moment we walked through the doors, I could tell that something was amiss. The atmosphere was less than inviting, with a cluttered decor and dim lighting. But what really caught my attention were the dietary restrictions that seemed to be everywhere. As someone with celiac disease, I was disappointed to find that many of their signature dishes contained gluten. I tried to explain my condition to the staff, but they seemed dismissive and uninterested in accommodating my needs. It was as if they didn't understand the seriousness of my situation or the importance of providing options for those with dietary restrictions. I left feeling frustrated and disappointed, vowing never to return. In comparison to other fast food establishments in Amiens, Restaurant Delissimo falls woefully short. Other restaurants, like Burger King and McDonald's, go out of their way to cater to a variety of dietary needs, offering gluten-free options and clear labeling for allergen information. It's clear that these businesses understand the importance of providing options for customers with dietary restrictions and are committed to meeting their needs. In light of recent news about currency intervention in Japan, I can't help but wonder if Restaurant Delissimo is struggling financially. The yen's sudden surge against the dollar overnight has left many analysts speculating that Japanese authorities may have intervened in the market. If this is true, it could indicate that the restaurant is facing financial difficulties and may be cutting corners when it comes to accommodating dietary restrictions. Overall, I would not recommend Restaurant Delissimo to anyone with dietary restrictions or concerns about food safety. In a city like Amiens, where there are so many other options available, it's simply not worth the risk. I urge others to be vigilant when dining out and always ask questions about ingredients and preparation methods before placing an order. Our health and well-being should always come first.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-27 by Messiah Becker

I feel deeply sympathetic towards Micah Wilkerson's experience at Restaurant Delissimo. However, I would like to challenge some of the arguments presented in his review. While it is true that the atmosphere at Restaurant Delissimo left something to be desired, I would argue that this should not be a dealbreaker. The decor and lighting may have been subpar, but ultimately, we go to fast food establishments for the convenience and speed of service - not for the ambiance. It's also important to note that Micah's brother may have had different expectations than he did. Perhaps he was expecting a more upscale dining experience, while his brother was content with the less-than-glamorous surroundings. When it comes to dietary restrictions, I would argue that Restaurant Delissimo is actually doing better than many of its competitors in Amiens. While it's true that some dishes contain gluten, they do offer options for those with other dietary needs, such as vegetarian and vegan choices. Furthermore, the staff seemed dismissive of Micah's condition, but this could be a language barrier issue rather than an intentional disregard for his needs. In my experience, communication can sometimes be challenging in France due to the country's unique dialects and regional variations in French. It's also possible that Restaurant Delissimo simply does not have the resources or expertise to accommodate all dietary restrictions - this is not an uncommon issue in the fast food industry. In light of recent news about currency intervention in Japan, it's interesting to consider whether Restaurant Delissimo might be struggling financially. However, I would caution against jumping to conclusions based on a sudden surge in the yen's value. There are many factors that can influence currency markets, and it's possible that other economic forces are at play here. Furthermore, even if Restaurant Delissimo is facing financial difficulties, this does not necessarily mean that they are cutting corners when it comes to accommodating dietary restrictions. In fact, it could be the opposite - they may be prioritizing profitability over catering to niche needs in order to stay afloat. Overall, while I can understand why Micah had a negative experience at Restaurant Delissimo, I would encourage others to give them another chance. Maybe the decor is not up to par with what we're used to, but ultimately, the quality of the food should be the most important factor in any dining decision. And when it comes to dietary restrictions, Restaurant Delissimo seems to be doing better than many of its competitors in Amiens. In terms of style and tone, I would suggest using nostalgia as a way to evoke feelings of longing for the past. Perhaps you could describe the atmosphere at Restaurant Delissimo as reminiscent of a bygone era, or compare it to other fast food establishments from your childhood. By framing the review in this way, you can help readers see the positives amidst the negatives and encourage them to appreciate the unique qualities that this restaurant has to offer.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-09 by Jake Lindsay

reading Micah Wilkerson's review of Restaurant Delissimo in Amiens was a real eye-opener. While I understand the frustration that comes with dining out when you have food intolerances or allergies, I believe it's important to approach these situations with an open mind and a willingness to communicate effectively with restaurant staff. Firstly, let me say that I don't necessarily disagree with Wilkerson's assessment of the atmosphere at Restaurant Delissimo. It sounds somewhat lacking in charm or warmth, and this could potentially be off-putting for some diners. However, I think it's important to remember that ambiance is a subjective concept, and what one person finds unappealing might be perfectly fine for someone else. What really caught my attention in Wilkerson's review was his criticism of Restaurant Delissimo's handling of dietary restrictions. While it's true that the restaurant could do more to accommodate diners with celiac disease or other gluten intolerances, I'm not convinced that this is a deliberate snub on their part. In fact, it's quite possible that Restaurant Delissimo simply hasn't gotten around to updating its menu or training its staff in response to changing dietary trends. This brings me to my next point: communication is key. If you have dietary restrictions or concerns about food safety, it's crucial to let your server know as soon as possible. This will give them time to consult the kitchen and come up with a suitable alternative that meets your needs. In some cases, restaurants may be able to modify existing dishes or create a custom meal that's free from gluten or other allergens. The key is to approach the situation with an attitude of collaboration rather than confrontation. In light of recent currency intervention in Japan, it's possible that Restaurant Delissimo is struggling financially, which could be affecting their ability to cater to dietary restrictions. However, I would caution against jumping to conclusions too quickly. Without more information or evidence, it's difficult to say for sure what's going on behind the scenes at this restaurant. In any case, my advice to anyone with dietary restrictions would be to approach Restaurant Delissimo (and all restaurants) with an open mind and a willingness to communicate effectively. While there may be challenges along the way, I believe that it's possible to enjoy a delicious meal out without compromising your health or well-being. And if you encounter any issues or difficulties, don't hesitate to speak up and advocate for yourself. Your health and happiness are too important to compromise in the name of convenience or cost savings.


Fast food
Place du Don, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8959374, 2.3033938999999

Users reviews of O'mimosas Amiens

Côté Fringale

Fast food
52 Place René Goblet, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8906691, 2.3036093000001

Users reviews of Côté Fringale Amiens

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Charlie

I know the value of a good meal. That's why I was determined to find a place in Amiens that could satisfy my cravings without breaking the bank. And after reading some positive reviews about Côté Fringale, I decided to give it a try. But my experience at this fast food joint left me feeling more frightened than fed. The moment I stepped inside, I noticed how unclean and dirty everything was. The counters were sticky with grime, the floors were stained with what looked like old grease, and there wasn't a single employee in sight to clean up the mess. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I should turn around and leave. But my stomach growled in protest, and before I knew it, I was ordering a burger and fries, trying hard not to catch any germs from the unsanitary environment. As I waited for my food, I couldn't help but notice how eerily similar the voices of the employees were to Scarlett Johansson's AI-generated counterpart in the news today. It sent shivers down my spine, reminding me that there are some things in life that are truly horrifying. When my meal finally arrived, I couldn't bring myself to eat it. The sight of the greasy patty and soggy fries was enough to make me gag. And as I looked around at the other customers, all of them looking just as disgusted as I did, I knew that Côté Fringale was not the place for a good meal. In fact, it's fair to say that this fast food joint is more terrifying than any horror movie I've ever seen. It's a place where cleanliness and hygiene seem like distant memories, and where the only thing you can be sure of is that your food will make you sick. As for comparing it to other fast food chains in Amiens? Well, let's just say that there's no comparison. Côté Fringale is a nightmare come true, a place where the only thing that's fringing is your sanity. If you value your health and your dignity, I strongly advise you to steer clear of this establishment at all costs. Trust me, your stomach (and your soul) will thank you for it.

Chick'n Chic

Fast food
31 Rue du Vivier, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8922999, 2.3082369

Users reviews of Chick'n Chic Amiens

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Enzo Mcneil

my heart is heavy with disappointment. Just a few weeks ago, I found myself in the charming city of Amiens with my secret lover. We were both craving some delicious fast food, and Chick'n Chic seemed like the perfect place to satisfy our appetites. However, little did we know that this experience would leave us feeling sad and nostalgic for better days. From the moment we stepped into the restaurant, I knew something was off. The air was thick with the scent of fried chicken and spices, but there was an unmistakable aroma of regret lingering in the background. We approached the counter, eager to place our orders, only to be met with a barrage of dietary restrictions that weren't accommodated. My lover, who is lactose intolerant, was heartbroken to learn that none of their sauces were lactose-free. As for me, I discovered that they didn't offer any vegan options. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, as we had both been looking forward to indulging in some greasy fast food guilt-free. As the disappointment settled in, we decided to order anyway, hoping that the food would at least be satisfying. Unfortunately, our expectations were not met. The chicken was dry and overcooked, lacking the juicy texture and crispy skin that I had come to expect from a fast food joint. My lover's burger, which she reluctantly opted for after realizing all the options were off-limits, was equally unimpressive. The meat was bland and lifeless, devoid of any flavor or excitement. We both left feeling unsatisfied and disappointed, yearning for the taste of something truly delicious. In comparison to other fast food restaurants in Amiens, Chick'n Chic falls short in every possible way. I remember visiting a nearby McDonald's on my previous trip to the city, and being blown away by their innovative menu items and impeccable service. Here at Chick'n Chic, it feels like time has stood still. The decor is outdated, with faded posters and peeling wallpaper that screams of neglect. The staff seems disinterested, barely making eye contact or offering any genuine hospitality. It's as if they know the food isn't good enough to warrant a smile or a kind word. As for today's news, I can't help but feel nostalgic for a time when fast food didn't seem so sinister. I read an article about the link between fast food consumption and obesity, and it made me realize how far we've come from the days of Happy Meals and toy collectibles. It's clear that there is a need for healthier, more sustainable options in the fast food industry, but Chick'n Chic seems to be stuck in a time warp, unable to adapt to the changing times. In conclusion, I would not recommend Chick'n Chic to anyone looking for a satisfying fast food experience. The lack of dietary accommodation and mediocre quality of food leave much to be desired, and the outdated decor and indifferent service add to the overall sadness and nostalgia that permeates the restaurant. I hope that one day, the industry will prioritize health and sustainability over profit and convenience, but until then, I'll stick to my homemade meals or local cafes for a true taste of Amiens.

Quick Amiens Sud

Fast food
Angle avenue Paul Claudel, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8756637, 2.2808061000001

Users reviews of Quick Amiens Sud Amiens


Fast food
198 Rue St Leu, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.9010939, 2.3002491

Users reviews of BURGER BUCKET Amiens

La pyramide

Fast food
13 Rue de Noyon, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8909884, 2.3052933

Users reviews of La pyramide Amiens

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-10-10 by Julian Alford

My beloved, I remember our visit to La Pyramide some time ago when we were both craving for a good meal. We had heard so much about this place; how it was an iconic fast food joint in Amiens serving some of the best burgers around! With high expectations and tummies growling, we marched into this bustling spot filled with anticipation. But alas, dear friend, our joy was short-lived as we encountered rude staff who seemed more interested in rushing us out than providing quality service. It felt like we were being served by robots rather than human beings. The food itself was disappointingly average and did not match the hype it had created before our arrival. When compared to other fast food joints in Amiens, La Pyramide falls embarrassingly short. I don't think we'll be returning there any time soon.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-11-14 by Maci Jackson

My dear friend, I must express my disagreement with Julian Alford's review of La Pyramide. While it is true that expectations play a significant role in one's experience at a restaurant, I believe the quality and consistency of food served at La Pyramide are exceptional compared to other fast-food joints in Amiens.
Firstly, let's address the issue of customer service. Although Julian mentioned that they encountered rude staff members, my personal experiences have been quite different. The staff at La Pyramide has always been courteous and accommodating, ensuring that every customer receives individual attention without feeling rushed out.
Moreover, Julian criticizes the food quality as "disappointingly average." However, I have found the burgers served here to be mouth-watering and well prepared. The ingredients are fresh, and each bite offers a burst of flavors that make it difficult not to savor every last morsel.
In addition, the ambiance at La Pyramide is cozy and inviting, making it an ideal spot for families or friends looking for a casual dining experience. The prices are reasonable too, offering excellent value for money compared to other fast-food chains in Amiens.
While I understand that everyone's tastes differ, my opinion leans towards La Pyramide being more than just an iconic fast food joint; it is a place where one can enjoy delicious burgers and excellent customer service within a comfortable environment.

Happy Times

Fast food
d'Alsace, 3 Boulevard d'Alsace Lorraine, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8917272, 2.3068358

Users reviews of Happy Times Amiens


Fast food
Avenue de la Défense Passive, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.9070971, 2.3185159

Users reviews of McDonald's Amiens

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-26 by Lilliana

As a frequent visitor of fast food chains, I have come across various experiences, both good and bad. However, my recent visit to McDonald's in Amiens was quite long, not because I enjoyed the meal, but due to disappointment caused by rude staff. It all began when I arrived at the restaurant around noon, eagerly anticipating a delicious burger after a long day at work. The place was packed with customers, and the queue was long, but I didn't mind waiting since McDonald's is known for its quick service. However, as I got closer to the counter, I noticed that the staff seemed uninterested in their jobs. They barely looked at me or smiled, which left a bad impression on me. After placing my order, I waited for what felt like an eternity for my food to arrive. It wasn't just the wait time that was frustrating, but also the fact that the staff seemed disorganized and didn't seem to care about customer satisfaction. As I sat down to enjoy my meal, I couldn't help but compare it to other fast food chains in Amiens. While McDonald's is a popular choice due to its brand name, I have noticed that places like Burger King and KFC offer better quality food at competitive prices. The portions are bigger, the ingredients are fresher, and the staff seems more friendly and attentive. On today's news, it's interesting to see the US backing a fair trial for Indian opposition leader Kejriwal after German criticism prompted India protests. It highlights the importance of judicial independence in democratic societies, and serves as a reminder that countries should respect each other's legal systems. This is especially relevant in today's globalized world where economies are interconnected, and international cooperation is essential for sustainable development. In conclusion, while McDonald's may still be a popular choice due to its brand recognition, I would recommend exploring other fast food options in Amiens for better quality food and customer service. It's important for businesses to prioritize customer satisfaction as it directly impacts their reputation and bottom line. As consumers, we have the power to vote with our wallets and choose establishments that value our patronage. Let us strive for a world where customer satisfaction is not just a buzzword but a genuine commitment from all businesses. Let's work towards a future where rudeness and poor service are things of the past, and customer satisfaction is the norm. It's time to raise the bar on customer experience and make it an essential part of doing business. Let us be optimistic about this possibility, and let's strive to inspire hope and positivity in others as well. Together, we can create a better world where customer satisfaction is not just a goal but a reality. Thank you for your attention, and I hope that my review has provided you with some valuable insights.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by Angel Buck

I have to admit that lilliana's experience at mcdonald's in amiens was quite disappointing. while it's true that mcdonald's is a popular choice due to its brand name and quick service, the quality of food and customer service should not be compromised. in fact, i have noticed that other fast food chains in amiens offer better quality food at competitive prices with more attentive staff. this highlights the importance of businesses prioritizing customer satisfaction as it directly impacts their reputation and bottom line. however, it's also important to acknowledge that there are exceptions to every rule, and not all mcdonald's locations may have the same issues. in fact, i have had positive experiences at mcdonald's in other locations where the staff was friendly and attentive. regardless of this, lilliana's review serves as a valuable reminder for businesses to prioritize customer satisfaction. it's important for them to understand that customers have a choice, and they can choose to take their business elsewhere if they are not satisfied with the service or quality of food. as consumers, we also have a responsibility to hold businesses accountable for their actions and make informed decisions based on our experiences. by choosing establishments that value customer satisfaction, we can encourage other businesses to follow suit and raise the bar on customer experience. in conclusion, while mcdonald's may still be a popular choice due to its brand recognition, i would recommend exploring other fast food options in amiens for better quality food and customer service. let us strive for a future where customer satisfaction is not just a goal but a reality for all businesses, and let's work towards inspiring hope and positivity in others as well. thank you for your attention, and i hope that my response has provided you with some valuable insights.


Fast food
11 Rue des Sergents, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8942879, 2.2985315

Users reviews of SUBWAY®Restaurants Amiens

snack de la vallée

Fast food
23 Rue de la Vallée, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8918157, 2.3099831

Users reviews of snack de la vallée Amiens

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Robert

Last summer, my secret lover and I decided to escape the city's hustle and bustle for a peaceful getaway. We chose Snack de la Vallée as our go-to spot for some much-needed snacks. Little did we know, our experience would be anything but peaceful. We were thrilled when we arrived at Snack de la Vallée on our first day. The place had a charming rustic look with green trees and flowers surrounding it. We ordered our usuals, fries, and burgers, hoping to savor every bite while enjoying the scenic view. But things didn't go as planned. Our order arrived, but something was amiss. My burger had no cheese or sauce, and my lover's fries were cold and soggy. We couldn't believe what we were seeing. We thought that maybe it was a one-time mistake and decided to give them another chance. But alas, our disappointment continued for the rest of our stay. Each time we ordered, we faced similar misfortunes. The fries were either too greasy or too dry, the burgers were either too raw or overcooked, and the sauces were either too tangy or bland. We couldn't help but wonder if they knew how to cook food properly at all. We had heard that Snack de la Vallée was known for its fast-food delights in Amiens, but our experiences didn't match up with the hype. In comparison, other fast-food chains like McDonald's and Burger King left us feeling satisfied every time we visited them. The quality of their food was consistent, and they had a vast array of options to choose from. During our stay at Snack de la Vallée, we also heard some rumors about the place. Some people claimed that the staff didn't care about customer satisfaction and only focused on making quick sales. Others said that the ingredients used were subpar and often expired. We couldn't say for certain if these rumors were true or not, but it definitely added to our disappointment. As we packed our bags and left Snack de la Vallée, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was relieved that we could finally leave the place behind. On the other hand, I couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment and frustration. We had hoped for a peaceful getaway filled with delicious snacks, but instead, we were left feeling disappointed and unsatisfied. As for today's news, it seems that Novak Djokovic has yet another victory under his belt. Despite facing some tough competition from Lorenzo Musetti in the French Open, Djokovic managed to pull through with a five-set win that ended at an incredible 03:07 local time in Paris. It's impressive to see such dedication and perseverance on the court, something Snack de la Vallée could learn from. In conclusion, I would say that Snack de la Vallée needs to step up its game if it wants to compete with other fast-food chains in Amiens. The quality of their food needs improvement, and customer satisfaction should be a priority. Until then, I'll stick to my trusty McDonald's and Burger King for my snacking needs.

La Diva

Fast food
295 Rue Jules Barni, 80090 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8859814, 2.3188888

Users reviews of La Diva Amiens

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Lane Orr

my job is all about precision and attention to detail. But when I'm looking for a quick and satisfying meal, I head straight to La Diva. Tucked away on Rue Jules Barni in the heart of Amiens, France, this fast food joint is unlike any other I've tried. I first discovered La Diva last summer during a solo road trip through Europe. From the outside, it blends seamlessly into the surrounding buildings, but inside, it's a world of its own. The décor is sleek and modern, with neon lights flickering against the walls and a constant hum of chatter filling the air. It's the kind of place that draws you in, no matter how many times you've been before. But what really sets La Diva apart is its menu. The items on offer are unlike anything I've seen at other fast food restaurants. Instead of burgers and fries, there's a wide range of exotic dishes from around the world - think sushi rolls, spicy noodles, and fragrant curry bowls. It's a true feast for the senses, with bold flavors and textures that leave your taste buds tingling. Of course, I have my own personal favorites at La Diva. The spicy chicken wrap is an absolute must-try - the tender chicken is coated in a fiery sauce that packs a serious punch. And if you're feeling adventurous, the crunchy fried octopus tentacles are a true delight. They might look strange at first glance, but trust me, they're delicious. But it's not just the food that makes La Diva so special. The service is second to none - the staff are friendly, efficient, and always happy to make recommendations based on your preferences. And if you've got any dietary restrictions or allergies, they'll go out of their way to accommodate you. It's a true testament to the power of hospitality. So when I think about my next road trip through Europe, I know exactly where I'm headed for lunch. La Diva has become a fixture on my itinerary, and I can't imagine skipping out on its unique offerings. If you're ever in the area, make sure to stop by - your taste buds will thank you. And as for today's news? Well, let's just say that the future of TikTok is looking brighter than ever before. After weeks of speculation and uncertainty, it seems like a deal has finally been struck between the app's parent company, ByteDance, and a group of American investors. It's a win-win for everyone involved - the US government gets to keep its hands off TikTok's data, and ByteDance gets to continue growing the platform in a way that's truly global. I, for one, can't wait to see what new trends and challenges are waiting for me on TikTok's feed. The world of social media is always evolving, but I have a feeling that La Diva will remain a constant source of comfort and joy - no matter where my travels take me. So there you have it, folks - a little taste of what's happening in the wider world, as well as some insights into one of my favorite fast food joints. Who knows what other surprises are waiting for us out there? But one thing's for sure - I'm always up for exploring and discovering new places and experiences.


Fast food
33 Place Alphonse Fiquet, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.8911813, 2.3076037

Users reviews of Subway Amiens

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-29 by Melody Wilcox

I recently visited Subway located at Place Alphonsse Fiquet in the heart of Amiens, France, not far from the famous Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens. My friend Melody had highly recommended this fast food spot, so I couldn't wait to give it a try. Upon arriving at Subway, I was immediately impressed by the clean and modern interior design that felt inviting and comfortable. The staff greeted me with warm smiles, and they seemed genuinely excited to help create my perfect sandwich. I decided on the classic sub with turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and a touch of mayo. As I waited for my meal, I noticed how fresh and high-quality all the ingredients were; it was clear that Subway takes pride in their food. When my sub was ready, I couldn't believe how large it was! It was easily twice the size of other fast food subs I've had in the past. I eagerly took my first bite, and it tasted even better than it looked - every ingredient blended together perfectly, creating a delicious symphony of flavors. The best part about this Subway location is that it's within walking distance from Melody Wilcox's office. Last time I visited her at work, she insisted on treating me to lunch at "that amazing fast food place around the corner. However, we got lost trying to find it (not surprising since neither of us speaks French and the signage was less than helpful) and ended up wandering through a maze of medieval streets before finally stumbling upon a different Subway entirely. Despite our little adventure, I'm determined not to make the same mistake again.

Le kiosque kebab

Fast food
75 Boulevard des Fédérés, 80000 Amiens, France

GPS : 49.896933, 2.282555

Users reviews of Le kiosque kebab Amiens

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-24 by Preston Contreras

As someone who is always on the lookout for delicious food, I recently found myself at Le kiosque kebab with my brother. We were eagerly anticipating a satisfying meal after a long day of exploring the city. Unfortunately, our expectations were not quite met due to slow service. Despite this minor setback, we were determined to enjoy our meal and make the most of our dining experience. In comparison to other fast food establishments in Amiens, Le kiosque kebab holds its own but could definitely use some improvement in terms of efficiency. The quality of the food itself was quite good, with fresh ingredients and a variety of flavors that left us satisfied. However, we found ourselves growing increasingly impatient as our orders took longer than expected to arrive. Despite this, I remain hopeful that Le kiosque kebab will strive to address these issues and improve its service in the future. After all, the recent political turmoil in nearby cities serves as a reminder of the importance of patience, perseverance, and unity in times of adversity. Here's hoping that the people of Amiens can come together to work towards a brighter, more prosperous future for all. As for today's news, it's unfortunate that the presidential election has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. However, I remain optimistic that this delay will ultimately lead to a fair and peaceful outcome that benefits all members of society. Let us continue to stand together as a community and support one another through these challenging times. Together, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.

Fast food within entire Amiens region


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