Where is the best Mexican Meal in Dundee

Best fast food in Dundee for fast livers

Fast food business in Dundee is growing since 2000 because of lack of time for eating in standard restaurant. Not only typical tourist destinations have fast food and food trucks. For example here in Dundee there are plenty of them, where you can try new chicken like Kate Mills before the Internet revolution.

You have to remember that improper food or nutrition could be danger to your health. Even the processing of food has a fundamental meaning. Probably you have no idea that saag paneer with radishes and almonds has 380 per 100 grams. Preston Payne really recommend this dish.

Popular fast food and food trucks in Dundee

Possibility of a weddingPepsi served7 UP
Five GuysN/ANoYes
Chilli GrillYesN/AYes
Davies Ice Cream ParlourN/ANoNo
Tayview Fast FoodsN/ANoN/A

The image portrays a bustling Dundee street filled with fast food establishments and trucks, where customers eagerly grab orders or dine al fresco amidst long lines for food trucks, all set against the backdrop of the city's towering skyline.
The image portrays a bustling Dundee street filled with fast food establishments and trucks, where customers eagerly grab orders or dine al fresco amidst long lines for food trucks, all set against the backdrop of the city's towering skyline.

Fast food - the food of our time

Fast food. In my last book I had already told you about the best places of fast food in Dundee. So I would like to share them with you in this book. I will give you a brief overview of them, to make sure that you will go to them to get your livers. In this fast food restaurant in downtown Dundee you won't have a problem to find the place where you want your livers.

There you can find, you can order your meals and pick your favourite fast food or chicken. The place is always busy and always have plenty of customers, who order their livers from you. You might go for the chicken liver curry as the restaurant offers it a lot of delicious options on the menu. It is made with the same traditional curry, but with the chicken instead of the meat. You can also get the chicken livers curry as a meal item.

How to order healthy food

You can order from the food truck to find the place where you want your livers. It is always popular with the locals from town to town. In the city of Dundee there are lots of food trucks that provide their food to the customers. The food truck can be located right in front of your home. You don't have to go all the way for the food trucks, you can just ask the driver to take you to the food trucks that are already in your area. The food trucks don't use any artificial ingredients. You won't have any problem finding the trucks in your area.

You just need to order from their websites and if you don't like the food trucks that you see, just give a suggestion of what to ask, for example: "I want to order this meat but what about the chicken liver." "I'm hungry." "I'm looking for a place to get my liver." "Can I give something for my liver if I want to order from another place?

Recommended places in Dundee

Five Guys

Fast food
L17 Overgate Shopping Centre, Dundee DD1 1UF, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4601202, -2.9725555

Users reviews of Five Guys Dundee

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-01 by Andres Benton

I have come to know the ins and outs of this city like the back of my hand. One thing that has become increasingly evident is the growing preference for fast food joints among locals. While there are plenty of options out there, Five Guys at L17 Overgate Shopping Centre has emerged as a clear favorite among the Dundee folk. Now, I'm not one to shy away from a good burger or fry, but I have to admit that my initial experiences with Five Guys left me somewhat underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, the burgers are undoubtedly juicy and flavorful, and the fries are crispy and delicious. However, I can't help but feel that something is missing from the overall dining experience. Firstly, let's talk about the location. L17 Overgate Shopping Centre is a bustling hub of activity in the heart of Dundee, with plenty of high-end brands and eateries vying for attention. Five Guys, however, seems to be tucked away in a corner, almost hidden from view. I suppose this could be seen as a blessing in disguise, as it tends to keep crowds at bay during peak hours. But I can't help but wonder whether the location is contributing to the relatively low footfall at the joint. Secondly, let's talk about service. Now, I don't expect the staff at fast food chains to be as attentive as those at fine dining establishments. But I do expect them to be polite and efficient. Unfortunately, my experiences with Five Guys have been less than stellar in this regard. The staff seems to be perpetually frazzled, with long lines stretching all the way to the door during peak hours. And while they're quick to take your order, they seem almost indifferent about it, which is a major turnoff for me. Lastly, let's talk about the pricing. While Five Guys certainly isn't the most expensive fast food chain in town, I do feel that their prices are on the higher side when compared to other options. And while I understand that they use high-quality ingredients and offer a wide variety of toppings, I can't help but wonder whether they're really worth the premium price tag. Now, I know what you're thinking – "But Five Guys has AI-powered cybersecurity tools! Isn't that cool?" Well, I'm here to bust that myth wide open. While it's true that Palo Alto Networks is infusing AI into its product lineup, as of yet, there is no evidence to suggest that Five Guys is using any such technology in its day-to-day operations. In fact, if anything, the long lines and indifferent staff seem more like symptoms of outdated processes and a lack of investment in cybersecurity rather than AI-related issues. In conclusion, while Five Guys at L17 Overgate Shopping Centre has some redeeming qualities, I'm afraid that it falls short in several key areas. From the location to the pricing to the service, there are simply too many inconsistencies that prevent me from wholeheartedly recommending this joint to my fellow Dundee citizens. Perhaps it's time for Five Guys to take a cue from Palo Alto Networks and start investing in cybersecurity tools powered by AI – only then can they hope to catch up with the competition and win over the hearts of discerning diners like myself. Until then, I'll be sticking to my trusty burger joint down the street – at least there, I know what I'm getting.


Fast food
21/25 Reform St, Dundee DD1 1SG, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.461111, -2.9706269000001

Users reviews of McDonald's Dundee

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-04 by Finn Pratt

located at 21/25 Reform St in the heart of Dundee, I can attest to its undeniable appeal. My beloved wife, Julia, and I have been frequenting this establishment for years now, and it has never failed to satisfy our cravings. But why do people from Dundee, and beyond, flock to this fast-food joint time and again? Perhaps it's the sheer convenience of its location, nestled in the bustling Finn Pratt shopping center. Or maybe it's the comforting familiarity of the golden arches and their iconic menu items. Whatever the reason may be, one thing is certain - McDonald's has become an integral part of the local community. It was on a chilly winter evening that we found ourselves at our favorite spot, nestled in a cozy booth by the window. The place was bustling with activity, as usual, but we were content to watch the hustle and bustle from behind our steaming cups of coffee. That's when the commotion began. At first, it was just a murmur, barely audible over the din of chatter and sizzling fryers. But soon enough, it grew louder and more frenzied, drawing our attention like a moth to a flame. It was then that we caught sight of a strange figure lurking in the shadows, his face shrouded in darkness. Panic set in as we realized that this man was not an ordinary patron, but a menacing intruder, intent on causing chaos and destruction. We huddled closer together, our hearts pounding in our chests as we watched in horror as the police arrived to quell the disturbance. It was a chilling sight, one that left us shaken to our very core. But even amidst the terror and chaos, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the swift and efficient response of the local authorities. It was yet another reminder of why McDonald's is more than just a fast-food joint - it's a beacon of safety and security in a world that can sometimes seem overwhelmingly dangerous. As the news headlines blare about Asia's stock rally and the yen's strengthening against the dollar, we can't help but feel a sense of comfort knowing that we have a place like McDonald's to turn to when the world seems uncertain and unpredictable. It's not just a restaurant - it's a sanctuary, a refuge from the storm. And for that, we are eternally grateful.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-08-08 by Derek

I must respectfully disagree with Finn Pratt's glowing review of McDonald's. While I appreciate his enthusiasm, I believe his opinion is overly romanticized and fails to consider the more nuanced realities of this fast-food giant. Firstly, the notion that McDonald's is a "sanctuary" or "refuge from the storm" seems far-fetched, especially given the chaotic incident described in the review. Instead of being a haven, the restaurant appears to have been a hub for potential danger, with an unknown individual causing commotion and prompting police intervention. Moreover, I question the emphasis on McDonald's as a symbol of safety and security. While it's true that law enforcement responded efficiently, this doesn't necessarily speak to the restaurant's inherent qualities. In fact, such incidents could be seen as evidence of systemic issues within the establishment, rather than a testament to its exceptional service. Furthermore, I'm skeptical about the idea that McDonald's has become an "integral part" of the local community. While it may be a familiar and convenient option for some, it's essential to consider the broader impact of fast-food chains on public health, urban planning, and local economies. The concentration of fast-food outlets in certain areas can lead to negative effects, such as decreased property values, increased crime rates, and poor health outcomes. In contrast, I'd argue that McDonald's represents a more complex and multifaceted reality. As a global corporation with a significant environmental footprint, it raises concerns about waste management, resource consumption, and labor practices. The company's influence on local markets and economies can also be seen as a double-edged sword – while creating jobs and stimulating growth in some areas, it can also contribute to gentrification, displacement of small businesses, and cultural homogenization. In light of these considerations, I'd propose a more balanced assessment of McDonald's. While it may serve as a convenient and recognizable brand for some, its true nature is far from the idyllic portrayal presented by Finn Pratt. Instead, I believe we should approach this fast-food giant with a critical eye, acknowledging both its benefits and drawbacks, and striving to create a more nuanced understanding of its role within our communities. On another note, it's intriguing to see how global events like the Asia stock rally and yen strengthening can impact local businesses, such as McDonald's. The interplay between international markets and regional economies is a complex phenomenon that warrants further exploration. Perhaps we could delve into the ways in which macroeconomic trends influence consumer behavior, local investment patterns, and community development. As I ponder these questions, I'm reminded of the Airbnb debacle mentioned in the news article. The company's struggles with slowing demand, rising marketing costs, and disappointing earnings serve as a cautionary tale about the importance of adaptability and innovation in today's fast-paced business environment. What can we learn from Airbnb's mistakes? How might their experiences inform our understanding of the impact of globalization on local economies and communities?

The connections between global events, economic trends, and local businesses are indeed fascinating topics that warrant further investigation. As we navigate this complex landscape, I propose that we approach each issue with a curious and open-minded attitude, seeking to challenge assumptions and explore new ideas and possibilities.

Burger King

Fast food
12-15 Panmure St, Dundee DD1 2DB, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4640755, -2.9686415

Users reviews of Burger King Dundee

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Alexa

I can attest that its allure lies in the convenience factor. Located just a stone's throw away from the iconic Discovery Point, where tourists flock to learn about Scotland's rich maritime history, Burger King is a go-to for those seeking a quick bite before or after their visit. The fast-food joint boasts a prime location on the bustling Esplanade, making it easily accessible for both locals and visitors alike. However, my journey to this burger paradise was not without terror. As I made my way along the winding streets of Dundee, the silence that enveloped me was deafening. The once-bustling city seemed eerily quiet, as if something sinister lurked in the shadows. My heart raced with fear as I caught sight of a shadowy figure darting across the street. Was it a mere coincidence or a sign of impending doom?

As I approached Burger King, my senses were assaulted by an overpowering scent of frying oil and meat. The sound of sizzling burgers and hissing machines filled the air as I stepped inside. The ambiance was eerily familiar, but something felt off. Was it the sight of a man in a lab coat huddled near the kitchen door? Or the strange humming noise that seemed to emanate from within?

My mind raced with questions as I placed my order, wondering if RFK Jr's recent brush with brain worm had any bearing on my current predicament. But as I savored my juicy Whopper, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that at least I wasn't suffering from the same fate as the former presidential candidate. In conclusion, Burger King in Dundee may not be the site of any paranormal activity, but it certainly has its share of mysteries. Whether it's the strange occurrences or the delectable food, one thing is certain - Burger King remains a favorite among locals and tourists alike. As for me, I'll stick to my Whopper and avoid any future encounters with brain worms. Speaking of brain worms, it's interesting to note that RFK Jr's campaign has dismissed concerns about his health as "hilarious" in light of his competition. Only time will tell if this brave front is enough to sway the public's opinion or if the rumors will continue to haunt him. Until then, I'll leave you with a quote from an anonymous source: "Better to be safe than sorry.


Fast food
21, Overgate Center, Dundee DD1 1UH, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4603076, -2.9719304

Users reviews of Subway Dundee

Domino's Pizza - Dundee - City Quay

Fast food
City Quay, Victoria Docks, Camperdown Street, Dundee DD1 3JA, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.461593, -2.9627

Users reviews of Domino's Pizza - Dundee - City Quay Dundee

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-07-23 by Kayla

I was excited to try out Domino's Pizza - Dundee - City Quay with my sister. We had been craving some delicious pizza for hours and were looking forward to indulging our taste buds. However, what started as a pleasant experience soon turned into a nightmare due to the rude behavior of the staff. Firstly, the wait time was excruciatingly long. Despite placing our order promptly, it took almost an hour for our pizza to arrive, leaving us impatient and hungry. This delay alone should have been enough to warrant an apology or some form of compensation, but what followed left us completely disgusted with the place. As soon as the delivery guy arrived, he seemed annoyed and uninterested in serving us. His demeanor was so hostile that it almost felt like we were being scolded for ordering pizza. He barely mumbled a greeting before thrusting our food at us and disappearing without any explanation or courtesy. This was not just poor customer service, but a complete violation of basic human decency. Moreover, the quality of the pizza itself left much to be desired. The crust was soggy, the cheese was burnt, and the toppings were barely distinguishable from each other. It was as if we had been served a reheated leftover instead of a freshly prepared pizza. I'm not one to expect gourmet-grade cuisine from fast food chains, but this was an utter disappointment. Comparing Domino's Pizza - Dundee - City Quay with other fast food establishments in the city, I would say that it falls woefully short. Places like McDonald's and KFC may have their own set of issues, but they at least provide timely service and decent food quality. Domino's Pizza seems to be lacking in both these aspects. In conclusion, my experience at Domino's Pizza - Dundee - City Quay was nothing short of abysmal. The rude staff, poor customer service, and subpar pizza quality have left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. I would urge other customers to avoid this place at all costs and instead opt for more reliable options in the city. As for the news about crypto adoption, it's interesting to see how this trend is evolving. While I'm not an expert on the subject, it's clear that crypto has come a long way from being a fringe movement to a legitimate political issue. Whether this development will ultimately be beneficial or detrimental remains to be seen, but it's definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Efes Cafe Bistro

Fast food
29 Cowgate, Dundee DD1 2HS, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4638008, -2.9675705

Users reviews of Efes Cafe Bistro Dundee

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-10-15 by Elaina

Last weekend, I walked from Discovery Point to Efe's Cafe Bistro at Cowgate for their delicious fast food menu. The restaurant is near famous landmarks and attractions, making it conveniently located in the heart of Dundee city centre.


Fast food
1A High St, Dundee DD1 1SX, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4611547, -2.9687065000001

Users reviews of KFC Dundee


Fast food
16 The Wellgate, Dundee DD1 2DB, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4640013, -2.9694567

Users reviews of McDonald's Dundee

Burger King Restaurant Kingsway Dundee

Fast food
Kingsway W, Dundee DD3 8QB, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4825581, -2.9968295

Users reviews of Burger King Restaurant Kingsway Dundee Dundee

McDonald's Dundee

Fast food
Longtown Rd, Dundee DD4 8JT, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4771313, -2.9279208

Users reviews of McDonald's Dundee Dundee

Tayview Fast Foods

Fast food
203A Strathmore Ave, Dundee DD3 6SN, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4742046, -2.9958384

Users reviews of Tayview Fast Foods Dundee


Fast food
3 dayton Dr, Dundee DD2 3SQ, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4815341, -3.0212047

Users reviews of KFC Dundee


Fast food
5 Crichton St, Dundee DD1 3AP, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.459942, -2.970297

Users reviews of redberry Dundee

Curry Junction

Fast food
99 Perth Rd, Dundee DD1 4JA, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4560803, -2.9890993

Users reviews of Curry Junction Dundee

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Alex

Growing up in the bustling heart of Dundee, I've seen my fair share of fast food joints come and go. But none have piqued my curiosity quite like Curry Junction, nestled near the junction of Perth Road and the Overhead Bridge. The tantalizing aroma wafting through the air is enough to send shivers down my spine.

As I approached the entrance, I couldn't help but be drawn in by the vibrant colors and lively energy that radiated from within. The staff, a motley crew of friendly faces, greeted me with warm smiles as they bustled about their duties. Their uniforms, a splash of bright hues against the otherwise monotonous fast food scene, added an element of excitement to the experience.

One particular server, a young woman with fiery red hair and twinkling eyes, caught my attention. Her enthusiasm was infectious as she deftly prepared orders with practiced ease. I couldn't help but be intrigued by her dedication and genuine passion for her job.

The anticipation built as I waited for my order, the tantalizing smells of various curries and spices teasing my senses. When my number was called out, I eagerly claimed my bag and retreated to a quiet corner, savoring each bite with relish. The flavors were bold and robust, yet perfectly balanced, leaving me craving more.

As I savored the last morsel of my meal, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Curry Junction had not only met but exceeded my expectations. I found myself already planning my next visit before I had even left the premises. The staff's friendly demeanor and unwavering dedication to their craft had left an indelible mark on me, and I knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful culinary journey.

Davies Ice Cream Parlour

Fast food
54 High St, Dundee DD2 3AW, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4707079, -3.0086988

Users reviews of Davies Ice Cream Parlour Dundee

Khan Tandoori

Fast food
200 Clepington Rd, Dundee DD3 8BG, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4774995, -2.9770844

Users reviews of Khan Tandoori Dundee

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-23 by Anastasia Rollins

Last summer, my husband and I decided to indulge our taste buds with some delicious fast food in Dundee. After hearing rave reviews about Khan Tandoori, we made it our mission to try it out. Little did we know, this experience would be one for the books - both good and bad!

As soon as we entered the restaurant, I couldn't help but notice how unclean the premises were. The floors were sticky, tables and chairs had not been wiped down, and there was a thick layer of grease and grime on the walls. I tried to overlook it, thinking that perhaps they had just had a busy day, but as we sat down to eat, my disappointment grew. The service was slow, and our food arrived cold. We could barely taste the spices in our dishes, which left us feeling disappointed. To make matters worse, the cutlery and plates were not very clean - something that made me quite uneasy. I found myself wishing we had gone to our usual fast food joint instead. But then, something unexpected happened. As we ate, we overheard a conversation between the manager and his staff. They were discussing how they were going to make Khan Tandoori a better place for their customers. They spoke about the importance of cleanliness and customer satisfaction, and I could sense that they were genuinely committed to improving the situation. As if by magic, our second round of food arrived hot and flavourful, and the cutlery was sparkling clean. The manager even came over to apologise for the previous mishaps and offered us a free meal as a gesture of goodwill. We were blown away by his kindness and generosity, and it made all the difference in our overall experience. In comparison to other fast food joints in Dundee, Khan Tandoori still has some way to go in terms of cleanliness and service. But the fact that they are committed to improving themselves speaks volumes about their character. I truly believe that with a little more effort, Khan Tandoori could become one of the best fast food restaurants in town. As we left the restaurant, our stomachs full but our hearts content, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the experience we had just had. It was a reminder that even the most disappointing situations can be transformed into something positive with a little bit of effort and kindness. And who knows - maybe one day, Khan Tandoori will become known as the cleanest and most customer-centric fast food restaurant in Dundee!

On a side note, today's news about the Biden administration supporting an independent Fed has left me feeling reassured. It's heartening to know that the new administration values the importance of independence in central banking, as it could help to combat inflation and preserve job growth at the same time.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-07-03 by Taylor

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my profound disagreement with Anastasia Rollins' review of Khan Tandoori. While she did touch upon some issues, her overall opinion was far too lenient in my view. Firstly, I would like to draw your attention to the hygiene standards at the restaurant. According to Rollins, the floors and walls were sticky, tables and chairs had not been wiped down, and there was a thick layer of grease and grime on the walls. This is unacceptable in any food establishment, and it raises serious concerns about food safety and cleanliness. I would like to see stricter measures being taken by the authorities to ensure that such violations do not go unnoticed or ignored. Secondly, Rollins mentioned that their first round of food arrived cold. This is a major lapse in service, as food should be served hot and fresh. Not only does this affect the taste and quality of the meal, but it also poses health risks to customers. I would urge Khan Tandoori to invest in better equipment and systems to ensure that their food is always served at the right temperature. Thirdly, Rollins' description of the cutlery and plates being not very clean makes me shudder. This is a direct violation of basic health and hygiene standards, and it could lead to severe health complications for customers. I strongly suggest that Khan Tandoori implements stricter cleaning protocols and staff training programs to ensure that this does not happen again. In contrast to other fast food joints in Dundee, Khan Tandoori still has some way to go in terms of cleanliness and service. While the manager's apology and gesture of goodwill were commendable, they cannot make up for the serious lapses in hygiene and service that we witnessed earlier. I would urge Khan Tandoori to take immediate action to address these issues and improve their overall standards. Lastly, Rollins praised the manager's commitment to improving customer satisfaction. While this is a positive sign, I would like to see more concrete steps being taken in this regard. For instance, Khan Tandoori could consider hiring additional staff during peak hours to ensure that orders are processed and served promptly. They could also invest in better quality ingredients to enhance the taste and flavour of their dishes. In conclusion, while Rollins' review did touch upon some issues, I would like to see more stringent measures being taken by Khan Tandoori to address these lapses. I strongly urge the restaurant management to prioritize hygiene and customer satisfaction above all else, and to take immediate action to address the concerns raised in this letter.


Fast food
Arbroath Rd, Dundee DD5 4HB, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4905186, -2.832906

Users reviews of McDonald's Dundee

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Jeffrey Mosley

my team and I huddled inside the shadowy depths of McDonald's Dundee, our eyes darting nervously between bites of greasy fries and the ominous headlines streaming across the television. Rumors swirled that a notorious criminal mastermind had struck again, leaving behind a trail of chaos and confusion in his wake. But amidst the chaos, we found solace in the comforting familiarity of our favorite fast food joint - a sanctuary of sorts, where we could escape the madness outside and indulge in guilty pleasures without a care in the world. As we savored every last morsel of our meals, we couldn't help but wonder: would we ever truly be safe again, or was this just another chapter in the endless cycle of crime and punishment that seemed to grip our city with an iron fist? Only time will tell. But for now, at least we had each other - and a warm, greasy meal that could transport us to a simpler, more innocent era. In retrospect, perhaps it was best we stayed inside McDonald's, where the only real danger was a sudden surge of hunger or a spilled shake. For in this fast food oasis, at least we knew we could count on one thing: a sense of familiarity and security that would never fade away, no matter what the future held.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Jeremiah Dennis

surrounded by my team of crime-fighting experts, I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of our situation. Here we were, huddled inside a fast food joint, discussing the latest criminal mastermind to strike our city. But little did Jeffrey Mosley know that David Tepper, the infamous billionaire investor, had set his sights on Alibaba - one of the largest and most successful companies in the world. With his massive investment worth around $648 million, Tepper's enthusiasm for Alibaba has left us all in awe. But as I stared at my greasy fries, I couldn't help but wonder: what could possibly be so appealing about this Chinese e-commerce giant? After all, it's no secret that China's regulatory crackdown has triggered recent sell-offs and left investors like Mosley feeling uneasy. But Tepper, it seems, is undaunted by these challenges. In fact, he finds Alibaba's forward earnings multiple of less than 10. Who knew that fast food and finance could be so interconnected? It's almost enough to make me reconsider my own career path - after all, what better way to fight crime than by investing in high-tech companies like Alibaba? As we finish our meals and prepare to return to the dangerous streets outside, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. But perhaps Tepper is onto something - maybe we should all invest in fast food stocks instead. After all, who knows what kind of criminal masterminds could be lurking inside those golden arches? Only time will tell, but for now, at least we can take comfort in the fact that our favorite fast food joints are here to stay - a sense of familiarity and security that we can all count on, no matter what the future holds.

Tak A Wa

Fast food
243 Clepington Rd, Dundee DD3 7UE, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.477735, -2.974067

Users reviews of Tak A Wa Dundee

Chilli Grill

Fast food
1 Mauchline Ave, Dundee DD4 8HU, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4786939, -2.9325792

Users reviews of Chilli Grill Dundee

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by Gemma Vega

we stumbled upon Chilli Grill. Our stomachs growled with hunger as we entered the restaurant, eager to try out their famous fare. We were greeted by a friendly hostess who led us to our table, and before long, we found ourselves surrounded by the mouth-watering aroma of spices and herbs wafting through the air. We couldn't wait any longer and ordered a couple of their signature dishes - the Chilli Paneer and Butter Chicken. But as the minutes ticked by, our excitement began to dwindle. Our appetizers arrived promptly enough, but our main courses took an excruciatingly long time to arrive. We found ourselves getting restless, checking our watches every few seconds, wondering if we'd ever get our food. Finally, the dishes arrived - but at a price that left us reeling. The menu items were overpriced compared to other fast-food chains in Dundee, and we couldn't help but feel disappointed. We had hoped for an enjoyable dining experience, but instead, it felt like a rip-off. As we ate our food, we found ourselves comparing Chilli Grill to other popular fast-food spots in the city. While the flavors were undeniably delicious, they didn't quite match up to the quality and affordability of places like McDonald's or KFC. Don't get me wrong - I still believe that Chilli Grill has its place in the Dundee food scene. After all, there's something special about their unique spice blends and fresh ingredients that sets them apart from the competition. But I do think they could stand to improve on a few things, like their menu pricing and wait times. Perhaps if Chilli Grill were to take a page out of Paxman's book - the former University Challenge presenter who recently revealed his Parkinson's diagnosis - and focus on making dining more accessible and affordable for all, they might just be able to win back some of their disappointed customers. All in all, it was an exciting experience at Chilli Grill, but I can't help but feel that there's room for improvement. Here's hoping they take my recommendations to heart and make a difference! As the saying goes, "spice up your life" - but let's not forget about affordability too.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-25 by Brielle Duran

I can understand Gemma Vega's frustration with Chilli Grill's pricing. While the restaurant's unique spice blends and fresh ingredients may set it apart from competitors like McDonald's or KFC, affordability is still a crucial factor for many customers when choosing where to dine. In order to attract more customers and win back disappointed ones, Chilli Grill should consider lowering the prices of their menu items. This could help them compete with other popular fast-food spots in Dundee and make dining at Chilli Grill a more affordable option for those on a budget. Additionally, addressing the long wait times for main courses could also go a long way in improving the overall dining experience at Chilli Grill. Customers should not have to endure such excruciatingly long wait times, especially given the high prices of their menu items. Chilli Grill could consider implementing measures like streamlining their kitchen processes or hiring more staff during peak hours to minimize wait times and enhance the customer experience. In conclusion, while Chilli Grill's unique spice blends and fresh ingredients are undeniably delicious, affordability and wait times are equally important factors for customers when choosing where to dine. By addressing these issues, Chilli Grill can improve its reputation as a popular fast-food spot in Dundee and attract more customers looking for affordable and convenient dining options.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Makayla

The review written by Gemma Vega left me feeling somewhat skeptical about Chilli Grill. While she did acknowledge that their food was delicious, her criticisms of the long wait times and high menu prices were difficult to ignore. As a frequent diner at fast-food chains in Dundee, I have come to expect quick service and reasonable prices. It's not fair for Chilli Grill to charge exorbitant amounts for their signature dishes when other restaurants in the area offer similar fare at more affordable rates. Moreover, the fact that customers have to wait an excessive amount of time for their food is a major turnoff. In my opinion, Chilli Grill should strive to provide prompt service to their patrons, as this is a fundamental aspect of the fast-food experience. If they fail to do so, it could lead to dissatisfied customers who may opt to dine elsewhere in the future. As someone who values affordability and convenience above all else, I would recommend that Chilli Grill reconsider their pricing strategy and aim to reduce wait times for their customers. By doing so, they might be able to win back some of the disappointed patrons mentioned in Gemma's review and establish themselves as a leading fast-food chain in Dundee. Ultimately, I believe that Chilli Grill has the potential to excel in the competitive fast-food industry, but they need to make some significant changes to remain relevant. Only time will tell if they are willing to take the necessary steps to improve their service and win back the trust of their customers. But one thing is for sure - I'll be keeping a close eye on Chilli Grill's progress and hoping that they can turn things around in the coming months.

Domino's Pizza - Dundee - Panmurefield Village

Fast food
144 Lawers Drive, Panmurefield Village, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 3UH, United Kingdom

GPS : 56.4835965, -2.8530514

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