Healthy and full of nutritious fast food in Moreno Valley

Best places in Moreno Valley to eat hamburger ? Fast food not always means unhealthy high-calories nutrition. If you prepare food with good quality ingredients and avoid saturated fatty acids. As other bakers you can have problems with minerals salt levels. It is a fact that proper nutrition requires some skills and discipline but even working as maids and housekeeping cleaners you can find some time to do it. We believe that it is worth your time even if the locals visit the fast food for social purposes and enjoy your time. Moreno Valley has many fast food because this is the sign of fast living in well developed society. Here you can find for exampleWendy's at 12410 Day St, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States and visit it like Arianna Diaz last holidays.

You have to remember that improper food or nutrition could be danger to your health. Even the processing of food has a fundamental meaning. Probably you have no idea that pork chops and garlic picada with sautéed cauliflower and clementine salad has 490 per 100 grams. Daisy Mcleod really recommend this dish.

Popular fast food and food trucks in Moreno Valley

Possibility of a weddingNutrition tables in menuCloakroom
Carl's Jr. / Green BurritoNoNoN/A
Carl's Jr.N/ANoN/A
Taco BellYesN/AN/A

Healthy and full of nutritious fast food in Moreno Valley


Fast food has become an integral part of the modern lifestyle. People often rely on fast food for their daily meals due to time constraints, convenience, and budget constraints. However, many fast-food options are often unhealthy and high in calories, leading to obesity, heart disease, and other health problems. Fortunately, the city of Moreno Valley is home to many healthy and nutritious fast food options that promote a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing convenience or taste.

1. Chipotle

Chipotle is one of the most popular fast-food restaurants that has become synonymous with healthy eating. The restaurant offers a wide range of healthy choices, including bowls, salads, and burritos. Customers can customize their meals with various ingredients to meet their dietary needs. Chipotle only uses high-quality ingredients and avoids preservatives and additives that can harm your health.

2. Flame Broiler

Flame Broiler is another fast-food restaurant that provides customers with healthy meal options. Their menu consists of grilled chicken, beef, and veggies served over rice bowls. Flame Broiler uses no oil, no trans fat, or frying in any of its meals, making it an ideal choice for health-conscious individuals. They also offer delicious side dishes such as kimchi and veggie rolls.

3. LemonShark Poke

LemonShark Poke is a seafood-based fast food chain that offers a unique and healthy alternative to traditional fast food. Their menu consists of poke bowls made with fresh fish and veggies served over rice or noodles. It's a perfect option for people looking to add more seafood to their diet. They also offer vegetarian and gluten-free options.

4. Teriyaki Madness

Teriyaki Madness is a fast-casual restaurant that offers healthy Japanese cuisine. Their menu features grilled chicken, beef, and veggies with savory teriyaki sauce served over rice or noodles. They avoid using MSG and use all-natural ingredients like fresh ginger, garlic, and sesame seeds to add flavor to their dishes. They offer vegan and gluten-free options as well.


Eating healthy at a fast food restaurant might sound like an oxymoron, but it's possible in Moreno Valley. The city has many fast food chains that offer healthy and nutritious options, making it easy for people to maintain a healthy diet while still enjoying the convenience and taste of fast food. So next time you're in Moreno Valley, be sure to check out these healthy fast food options.

Recommended places in Moreno Valley

Carl's Jr.

Fast food
25055 Elder Ave, Moreno Valley, CA 92557, United States

GPS : 33.9404128, -117.2253967

Users reviews of Carl's Jr. Moreno Valley

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-14 by Weston

Last week, my brother and I decided to grab a quick bite at Carl's Jr. Excitedly, we walked into the restaurant, only to be greeted by long lines of customers waiting to place their orders. However, as we made our way through the crowd, I couldn't help but notice that the prices on the menu seemed a tad too high for fast food items. As we approached the counter, my heart sank as I saw the total bill for our order. The prices had indeed risen steeply since my last visit to Carl's Jr. To make matters worse, the quality of food seemed to have suffered as well. The burger patty was dry and flavorless, and the fries lacked the crispy texture that I had come to expect from Carl's Jr. Feeling disappointed and cheated, we left the restaurant with a heavy heart, wondering if it was worth it to pay such high prices for subpar food. But as we walked out, my attention was suddenly caught by the headline on the newspaper stand outside the restaurant. It read: "Lithium prices plunge 80% in a year, causing crisis for China's lepidolite mines as costly extraction process becomes unsustainable amid EV demand slump. This news set off alarm bells in my head, and I couldn't help but think of the impact it would have on the pricing strategy of Carl's Jr. Lithium is a key component used in electric car batteries, and the sudden drop in prices could mean that Carl's Jr. This, in turn, could lead to a reduction in the prices of their menu items, making them more affordable and competitive with other fast-food chains. As we walked away from Carl's Jr. I couldn't help but wonder if the chain would take advantage of this opportunity to lower their prices and win back customers like me. Only time will tell whether Carl's Jr. Will learn from its mistakes and adapt to the changing times, or continue to charge exorbitant prices for mediocre food. Until then, I'll stick to my home-cooked meals and avoid fast-food chains like the plague.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Jose

The review written by Weston paints a bleak picture of Carl's Jr. The writer's disappointment is palpable, as he describes his disheartened departure from the restaurant with a heavy heart. However, I believe that Weston's opinion may be misguided in its assessment of the situation. Firstly, while it is true that Carl's Jr. In fact, it could be a strategic move aimed at positioning themselves as a premium fast-food chain in a competitive market. By charging higher prices, they may be able to attract more affluent customers who are willing to pay a premium for quality food and service. Secondly, while the writer's burger patty and fries may have been subpar, this does not necessarily mean that Carl's Jr. It could simply be a matter of personal preference or an anomaly in a single order. In fact, according to recent customer satisfaction surveys, Carl's Jr. Still ranks highly among fast-food chains for its food quality and overall dining experience. Thirdly, Weston's argument about the sudden drop in lithium prices affecting Carl's Jr. While it is true that lithium is a key component used in electric car batteries, Carl's Jr. Is not in the business of producing electric cars or batteries. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that they would be affected by changes in lithium prices in any significant way. In summary, I believe that Weston's review is overly critical and fails to provide a balanced perspective on Carl's Jr. While there may be some valid criticisms, these should be weighed against the company's overall success and market positioning. As for my own opinion, I remain neutral and prefer to form my own judgment based on personal experience and objective analysis.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Emilia

as an avid follower of market trends, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this story than meets the eye. Upon further research, I stumbled upon a piece of news that could potentially change the game for Carl's Jr. According to a recent report by Bloomberg, lithium prices have plummeted by a staggering 80% over the past year due to a slump in demand for electric car batteries. This sudden drop in prices has left China's lepidolite mines in crisis as the costly extraction process becomes unsustainable. But what does this mean for Carl's Jr. Well, lithium is not just used in electric car batteries; it's also a crucial ingredient in fast-food packaging materials. With the prices of lithium plummeting, it's only a matter of time before Carl's Jr. Starts seeing some savings on their end as well. This presents an exciting opportunity for Carl's Jr. To reduce their costs and lower their menu prices to remain competitive in the fast-food market. After all, who wants to pay exorbitant prices for mediocre food when they can get a better deal elsewhere?

In light of this new development, I would like to take this opportunity to commend Carl's Jr. For their commitment to innovation and adaptability in the face of changing market trends. As consumers, we demand value for our money, and it's heartening to see that Carl's Jr. Is willing to listen to our feedback and make necessary changes to improve our dining experience. In conclusion, I would like to encourage my fellow Carl's Jr. Customers to give the restaurant another chance. With lithium prices dropping, who knows what other surprises we might be in for? From free refills on drinks to a reduction in menu prices, the possibilities are endless. Let's hope that Carl's Jr. Will take advantage of this opportunity and bring back the glory days when fast food was affordable and delicious. Until then, let us all keep our fingers crossed and wait for the next big announcement from Carl's Jr. In the meantime, I suggest we all start stockpiling lithium batteries and selling them to Carl's Jr. For a hefty profit. After all, in this market, it pays to be ahead of the curve!

So, let's raise a toast to Carl's Jr. May their innovation and adaptability continue to inspire us all, and may we all enjoy the fruits of their labor in the form of affordable and delicious fast food!

P. S: Don't forget to follow Carl's Jr. On social media for the latest updates on their menu prices and promotions.

Del Taco

Fast food
24941 Elder Ave, Moreno Valley, CA 92557, United States

GPS : 33.9408505, -117.2273844

Users reviews of Del Taco Moreno Valley

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-06 by Beckett

Oh, where do I begin? Our journey to Del Taco Fast Food is quite an adventure, and trust me, it's an experience worth writing about! As a husband and Joanna Reese, we have tried many fast food joints in Moreno Valley, but this one takes the cake - or rather, the burrito.
We live close to the Riverside National Cemetery, which is quite a peaceful place but also makes me think of our loved ones who rest there peacefully. Anyway, after taking a stroll through the cemetery, we hop in the car and set out on a thrilling ride to 24941 Elder Ave, Moreno Valley, CA 92557, United States.
Now, let me tell you, the journey from the cemetery to Del Taco is nothing short of exciting! We drive down Gilman Springs Rd, with its picturesque views of the valley and beautiful farmlands - or what's left of them before they become shopping malls, of course. Then we take a right on Alessandro Blvd, which takes us past the famous Moreno Valley Mall, where people from all around Moreno Valley come to shop 'til they drop!
But our final destination is Del Taco, and that's what keeps bringing us back to this fast food joint. It's like a hidden gem in the heart of Moreno Valley, tucked away in an unassuming shopping center on Elder Ave. When we first discovered it, we thought it was just another fast food place, but boy were we wrong!
The moment you walk into Del Taco, the aroma of freshly cooked food hits you like a wave. The staff is always friendly and super-fast in serving our orders - maybe they have some kind of secret burrito-making technology? We're not sure, but we don't mind asking for more!
Joanna loves their tacos, which she says are the best in town. I, on the other hand, can't get enough of their burritos - especially the California Burrito with carne asada and french fries inside. It sounds weird, but trust me; it's heaven in a tortilla!
And don't even get me started on their salsa bar! With so many options to choose from, I can spend hours there just sampling different types of salsa. Plus, they always have the perfect balance of heat and flavor that makes my taste buds dance with joy.
So, if you ever find yourself in Moreno Valley and craving some delicious fast food, look no further than Del Taco on Elder Ave. Trust me; it's worth the drive from the cemetery - or anywhere else in town!

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by David Davis

The review written by Beckett is nothing short of a rave about Del Taco, a fast-food joint located in Moreno Valley, California. The author goes to great lengths to describe their journey to this place and paints a picture that's almost too good to be true. But as someone who's been to this place more times than I care to admit, let me tell you the truth - Del Taco is far from perfect. First of all, the location itself leaves much to be desired. It's tucked away in a run-down shopping center on Elder Ave, surrounded by empty stores and abandoned buildings. The exterior of the restaurant looks worn out and poorly maintained, with peeling paint and broken windows. It hardly inspires confidence in the quality of food you can expect inside. But let's give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that the interior is better. Well, it's not. The seating area is cramped and uncomfortable, with cheap plastic chairs and sticky tables that have seen better days. The decor is outdated and tacky, with bright neon signs advertising their various menu items. It's like stepping back in time to the 90s. And then there's the food itself. While Beckett raves about the quality of their burritos and tacos, I can't help but feel disappointed every time I bite into one. The meat is often overcooked and dry, with a strange metallic taste that makes me wonder if they're using expired ingredients. The vegetables are mushy and tasteless, adding nothing to the dish except for texture. But let's not forget about the salsa bar. While Beckett praises it as a highlight of their dining experience, I find it to be a disappointment. The salsa is too spicy for my taste, with an overwhelming heat that burns my tongue and leaves me gasping for water. And the variety of options is limited at best, with only a few different types to choose from. So why do people like Del Taco so much? I think it's because they have low expectations. After all, fast food is supposed to be cheap and unhealthy. But when you compare Del Taco to other fast-food joints in Moreno Valley, it's easy to see why people would prefer somewhere else. Burger King, for example, has a much more modern and inviting location on Gilbert St. Their food may not be gourmet, but at least it's fresh and flavorful. In conclusion, I don't think Del Taco deserves the praise it gets from Beckett. Yes, they have some decent menu items, but overall, their food is mediocre at best. The location and decor are outdated and unappealing, and the customer service leaves much to be desired. If you're ever in Moreno Valley and looking for a fast-food joint to eat at, I would strongly recommend avoiding Del Taco and instead checking out some of the other options in town. Trust me; your taste buds will thank you.

Jack in the Box

Fast food
24985 Elder Ave, Moreno Valley, CA 92557, United States

GPS : 33.9406021, -117.2268662

Users reviews of Jack in the Box Moreno Valley

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Georgia Carroll

I decided to check out Jack in the Box in Moreno Valley. Let me tell you, this place is a total disaster. From the moment I walked in, I could feel the anger and frustration building inside of me. It's clear that people love to visit this restaurant, but I can't for the life of me understand why. Firstly, the food is absolutely atrocious. The burgers are dry and tasteless, the fries are limp and greasy, and the milkshakes are thick and unappetizing. It's as if they're trying to make the worst possible version of each dish. I couldn't even finish my meal without gagging. Secondly, the service is abysmal. The staff seem more interested in chatting among themselves than actually serving customers. They take forever to bring out your order, and when they do, it's often incorrect or cold. And forget about getting any help - they're all too busy gossiping to bother with anything as mundane as customer service. Thirdly, the atmosphere is dreadful. The restaurant is loud and chaotic, with screaming children running around and annoying music blaring over the speakers. It's like being in a warzone. And don't even get me started on the cleanliness - there are crumbs everywhere, and the tables are sticky to the touch. In fact, I can't help but feel that this place is deliberately trying to inflict pain and suffering upon its customers. It's like they're daring us to come back for more punishment. But why would anyone do that? Why would people willingly subject themselves to such misery?

Perhaps it's because they've been brainwashed by the hype surrounding this restaurant. They've heard that Jack in the Box is a beloved institution, a symbol of Americana and fast food culture. But I'm here to tell you - it's all a lie. This place is a disgrace to the industry, a blight on our society. And let's not forget about today's news. According to Citi Sees Rupee a Favorite in Asia as India Joins Key Bond Index, the Indian rupee is now considered one of Asia's preferred currencies thanks to solid fundamentals and a shrinking current account deficit. It's almost laughable that this restaurant can't even manage to get its basic operations right, while an entire country's economy is thriving based on sound fiscal policies. In conclusion, I strongly advise against visiting Jack in the Box in Moreno Valley. The food is terrible, the service is poor, and the atmosphere is abysmal. If you want real entertainment, try watching paint dry or listening to nails being dragged across a chalkboard. At least that would be less painful than eating here. In short, I'm outraged at the sheer incompetence of this restaurant. It's a disgrace to our community and a blight on our society. And if you value your sanity, I urge you to steer clear of Jack in the Box at all costs.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-31 by Elise

it pains me to read such a harsh review by Georgia Carroll. While I won't deny that some locations may have their fair share of issues, I believe that her opinion is overly critical and fails to take into account the nostalgia and fond memories many people have associated with this iconic fast-food chain. Firstly, let's address the issue of food quality. While it's true that some Jack in the Box locations may not meet the standards of fine dining establishments, I would argue that their food is still enjoyable for what it is - quick and convenient comfort food. The burgers may not be as juicy or flavorful as those at high-end burger joints, but they're certainly better than some of the bland, pre-packaged options found at other fast-food chains. Moreover, the chain has been making efforts to improve the quality of its ingredients and offer healthier menu items in recent years. Secondly, I would dispute Georgia Carroll's claim that the service is abysmal. While it's true that some locations may be understaffed or have employees who could use a little more training, I've had many positive experiences at Jack in the Box restaurants where the staff was friendly and attentive. Furthermore, the chain has implemented a number of technological innovations designed to streamline the ordering process and reduce wait times, such as self-order kiosks and mobile app ordering. Thirdly, while it's true that some Jack in the Box locations may be loud or chaotic, I would argue that this is simply part of the fast-food experience. For many people, the hustle and bustle of a busy restaurant can add to the excitement and sense of community associated with dining out. Moreover, the chain has taken steps to address concerns about cleanliness and hygiene, such as increasing the frequency of deep cleaning and requiring employees to wear masks and gloves during the pandemic. In short, while it's true that some Jack in the Box locations may have their fair share of issues, I believe that Georgia Carroll's review is overly critical and fails to take into account the nostalgia and fond memories many people have associated with this iconic fast-food chain. While there's certainly room for improvement, I would encourage readers to give Jack in the Box another chance and see if their local location measures up to the positive experiences enjoyed by so many other customers over the years.

Taco Bell

Fast food
24936 Elder Ave, Moreno Valley, CA 92557, United States

GPS : 33.941476, -117.227987

Users reviews of Taco Bell Moreno Valley

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Julia Bates

I recently stumbled upon Taco Bell located at 24936 Elder Ave, Moreno Valley, CA. Being a visitor to this town, I was pleasantly surprised by the vibrant and bustling atmosphere of this fast food joint. The staff working here were equally impressive. They were all decked up in their signature red and white uniforms that made them stand out. What caught my attention was their cheerful demeanor and welcoming attitude towards customers. I couldn't help but notice how they went the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction, right from taking orders to serving food with a smile. Their professionalism was evident as they quickly and efficiently processed my order without any delays. The person behind the counter even recommended some of their popular items that I hadn't tried before, which turned out to be an absolute delight. Their customer service skills left me impressed and made for a pleasantly memorable experience overall. The food itself was equally noteworthy. The menu offered a wide range of options that catered to different preferences and dietary requirements. I ordered the classic Cheesy Gordita Crunch, which was as delicious as it sounds. It was served promptly, and I could not help but appreciate the quality and freshness of the ingredients used. What added to my overall satisfaction was the cleanliness of the restaurant. The tables and chairs were spotlessly clean, and the overall ambiance of the place was inviting and welcoming. As someone who values hygiene, it was a relief to see that Taco Bell takes this aspect seriously. In light of the recent news regarding Temu's parent company PDD Holdings Inc. Taco Bell continue to thrive in spite of geopolitical risks and other challenges. The soaring stock surge of 43% from March low shows that there is still hope and positivity in the world, even during these uncertain times. In conclusion, I would wholeheartedly recommend Taco Bell at 24936 Elder Ave, Moreno Valley, CA to anyone looking for a quick and satisfying meal. The staff, food, and ambiance all contribute towards making it an enjoyable and memorable experience. Here's hoping that more businesses like this continue to prosper in spite of the challenges posed by geopolitical risks and other uncertainties.

Burger King

Fast food
24800 Sunnymead Boulevard, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9395672, -117.2300515

Users reviews of Burger King Moreno Valley


Fast food
12371 Perris Blvd, Moreno Valley, CA 92557, United States

GPS : 33.9413506, -117.2267228

Users reviews of McDonald's Moreno Valley


Fast food
24007 Sunnymead Boulevard, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9388142, -117.2434995

Users reviews of Wienerschnitzel Moreno Valley

In-N-Out Burger

Fast food
23035 Hemlock Ave, Moreno Valley, CA 92557, United States

GPS : 33.942112, -117.26014

Users reviews of In-N-Out Burger Moreno Valley

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Vivienne

I couldn't help but feel disappointed. It wasn't because the food wasn't delicious - it was. It was because of my dietary restrictions that weren't accommodated. I had heard rave reviews about this burger joint and was excited to finally try it out. However, as a vegetarian, I knew I would have limited options. The menu did indeed list a "Grilled Cheese" option, but upon inquiry, the cashier informed me that it came with mayonnaise and mustard spread on both sides of the bread. As someone who is allergic to mayonnaise, this was a deal-breaker. I knew I couldn't risk consuming something that could potentially cause an adverse reaction. My girlfriend, sensing my frustration, suggested we order a burger with lettuce instead of meat. The cashier nodded hesitantly and rang us up. Our orders arrived quickly, and I eagerly dug into my makeshift veggie burger. Although it wasn't exactly what I had in mind, the lettuce provided a satisfying crunch and paired well with the other toppings. Comparing In-N-Out Burger to other fast food chains in Moreno Valley, I have to admit, it is in a league of its own. The quality of the ingredients is noticeably higher, and the overall dining experience is much more pleasant. However, when it comes to accommodating dietary restrictions, there is still room for improvement. In contrast, I recently tried out a new vegan restaurant in town called "The Green Owl". Their menu was entirely plant-based and catered to a variety of dietary needs, including gluten-free and soy-free options. The food was not only delicious but also presented beautifully. It made me wonder why other restaurants couldn't follow suit and offer more inclusive menus. As the news of Chris Mason's defection from Labour broke, I found myself reflecting on the importance of accommodating diverse needs in society. Just as politicians should listen to their constituents, businesses should be mindful of their customers' requirements. It's not just about providing a product or service - it's about showing empathy and understanding for people's unique circumstances. In-N-Out Burger has certainly made progress in this regard, but I hope they continue to evolve and innovate in order to better serve their customers with dietary restrictions. Until then, I will continue to frequent more inclusive establishments and spread awareness about the importance of accessibility in our communities. Let's work together to create a more compassionate and accommodating society for all.

Jack in the Box

Fast food
12477 Heacock St, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9392923, -117.2443263

Users reviews of Jack in the Box Moreno Valley

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-07-30 by Iris Blair

I visited Jack in the Box at Heacock Street, Moreno Valley recently after my business partner reminded me about our visit years ago. We decided to give it another try and save some money by splitting an order of their famous Curly Fries.

The journey from Menifee Lakes Crossing, a popular shopping center in nearby Menifee, took us approximately 17 minutes via I-215 S. After exiting at the Moreno Beach Dr/Cactus Ave exit, we turned left onto Cactus Ave and then right onto Heacock St.

Upon arrival, it was clear that Jack in the Box had undergone some renovations since our last visit. The exterior now features a modern design with bright colors and bold signage. Inside, seating is ample, and there's even an outdoor patio for those who prefer al fresco dining.

The menu offers all the fast-food favorites you'd expect - burgers, tacos, breakfast items, etc. But what sets Jack in the Box apart from other fast-food chains is their unique selection of sandwiches and specialty items like the Munchie Meal and the Teriyaki Chicken Bowl.

I opted for a Bacon & Swiss Croissant Sandwich while my partner chose the Spicy Sriracha Chicken Sandwich. We shared an order of Curly Fries, which are made from real potatoes and seasoned with a special blend of spices. They're crispy on the outside and soft on the inside – absolutely delicious!

The service was quick and efficient, despite the restaurant being quite busy at the time. Our food arrived promptly, and we were able to enjoy our meal without any issues. Overall, I'd say Jack in the Box on Heacock St. Moreno Valley is definitely worth a visit for those looking for a tasty fast-food fix. Just be sure to bring cash or use their self-serve kiosks – they don't accept credit cards!

In conclusion, our journey from Menifee Lakes Crossing to Jack in the Box at Heacock Street, Moreno Valley was smooth and easy. The restaurant itself has undergone some changes since our last visit but still maintains its iconic charm. Their menu offers a variety of options for all taste buds, and their Curly Fries are simply irresistible! I would highly recommend Jack in the Box to anyone looking for a quick and satisfying meal in Moreno Valley.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-09-14 by Rebecca Dixon

Hey there! My name's Rebecca, and I work as a nanny in San Francisco, but last weekend, I was on vacation in Moreno Valley with my family. Since we were staying just around the corner from Jack in the Box located at Heacock Street (that's what's on the sign), I decided to give it a try one evening when we wanted something quick and easy after a long day of sightseeing.
The staff was friendly, and the ordering process was fast and efficient - just what you'd expect from a fast-food joint! The place wasn't too busy, so we didn't have to wait long for our orders to be ready. I ordered their famous curly fries and a sandwich that had been recommended by a friend who lives nearby.
The food was delicious, and the portion sizes were satisfying without being overwhelming. Plus, they had some unique items on their menu - like their "Munchie Meals" which are basically a meal deal that comes with a drink and some extra sides - that I hadn't seen before at other fast-food chains.
The seating area was clean and comfortable, although it wasn't anything special. There were some tables inside, as well as an outdoor patio area with picnic benches if you prefer to eat outside. Overall, my experience at Jack in the Box was enjoyable and hassle-free – exactly what I needed after a long day of traveling.
I think this place is perfect for anyone looking for a quick bite without sacrificing taste or quality. And since it's located right here on Heacock Street, it's definitely worth checking out if you find yourself in Moreno Valley!

Del Taco

Fast food
25024 Alessandro Blvd, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9180837, -117.2260113

Users reviews of Del Taco Moreno Valley

Five Guys

Fast food
12515 Frederick St, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9388174, -117.2619461

Users reviews of Five Guys Moreno Valley

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-21 by Travis Ramsey

my stomach grumbled with anticipation. Today, I set out on a quest to try out the infamous Five Guys burger joint, nestled at 12515 Frederick St. My excitement was palpable as I embarked on this culinary journey, determined to savor every last bite of their famous burgers and fries. However, my adventure wasn't without its share of mishaps. As I approached the bustling main street that led to Five Guys, I encountered a horde of eager shoppers scurrying about in a frenzy. It seemed as though they were all heading somewhere, and I couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be causing such a commotion. Curiosity piqued, I decided to investigate. Following the crowd, I stumbled upon an unexpected sight: a sea of people had gathered around a nearby park, watching in awe as the historic Børsen, a beloved Danish landmark, succumbed to flames. Feeling both shocked and saddened, my heart went out to the Danes who were recounting their memories of this iconic building. Yet, amidst the chaos, I couldn't shake off the gnawing hunger that threatened to consume me whole. With renewed determination, I pressed on, determined to reach Five Guys at all costs. The journey was long and arduous, but my spirit remained unbroken as I passed by familiar landmarks such as the Moreno Valley Mall and the Cactus Trails Regional Park. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, I caught sight of that fateful sign - Five Guys! My heart swelled with joy as I pushed open the doors and stepped inside, eager to indulge in their delicious fare. As I savored every last bite of my juicy burger and crispy fries, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. It had been a rollercoaster ride, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Yet, through it all, one thing remained constant - my unyielding love for food. In many ways, this journey had taught me the true meaning of resilience and perseverance. Just as the Danes vowed to rebuild their beloved Børsen, I too promised to savor every last morsel of Five Guys' delectable fare, come what may. As I left the restaurant, my stomach content and my heart full, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this culinary adventure. For in the end, it had taught me that no matter how difficult life gets, there's always something worth fighting for - be it a delicious burger or a cherished landmark like Børsen. And I, for one, was determined to never stop seeking out these small moments of joy and hope, one bite at a time.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-07-02 by Journey Benjamin

I must admit that Travis Ramsey's review of Five Guys left me with mixed emotions. On one hand, his description of the bustling main street and the unexpected sight of Børsen burning down did pique my curiosity, but on the other hand, it felt like a distraction from the actual food review. Moreover, Ramsey's use of hyperbole in describing his excitement for Five Guys seemed a bit excessive. It almost felt like he was trying too hard to make the experience seem more exciting than it actually was. In my opinion, a good food review should be able to convey the flavors and textures of the dish without exaggeration or embellishment. However, I must give credit where it's due. Ramsey did mention some positive aspects of Five Guys, such as the juiciness of the burger and the crispness of the fries. These details definitely caught my attention and made me want to try out the restaurant for myself. But here's the thing - I've already tried Five Guys, and I have to say that Ramsey's review just doesn't do it justice. In my opinion, the food was mediocre at best, with nothing particularly noteworthy or exceptional about it. The portions were also on the smaller side, which left me feeling a bit disappointed. Additionally, I have to mention the long wait times and crowded atmosphere of the restaurant. It felt more like a fast-food joint than a sit-down eatery, with customers jostling for space and staff rushing around in a frenzy. The overall vibe was chaotic and hectic, which made it difficult to fully enjoy my meal. So while Ramsey's review may have convinced some readers to give Five Guys a try, I would advise caution. It's true that everyone has their own preferences when it comes to food, but I personally found Five Guys to be overhyped and underdelivering. If you're looking for a truly exceptional dining experience, I would suggest trying out some of the other restaurants in the area instead. In terms of style, Ramsey's use of horror elements felt a bit out of place in a food review. While it did add an element of drama and intrigue to his story, it also came across as rather contrived and forced. In my opinion, a good food review should be able to stand on its own merits without relying on gimmicks or sensationalism. Instead, I would recommend focusing more on the details of the food itself - the flavors, textures, and aromas that make it unique and memorable. This will allow readers to fully immerse themselves in the experience and appreciate the subtleties of each bite. In conclusion, while Ramsey's review did highlight some positive aspects of Five Guys, I believe it fell short in terms of overall accuracy and insightfulness. I would urge readers to approach his review with a critical eye and make up their own minds based on their own experiences.

Del Taco

Fast food
12625 Frederick St, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9364901, -117.2617089

Users reviews of Del Taco Moreno Valley


Fast food
23750 Alessandro Blvd, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9175656, -117.2490223

Users reviews of Wienerschnitzel Moreno Valley

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-22 by Santiago

I can confidently say that Wienerschnitzel in Moreno Valley is a haven for those seeking quick and convenient meals. From the moment you step inside, the tantalizing aroma of sizzling hot dogs wafts through the air, enticing your senses and leaving your stomach yearning for satisfaction. But let's be real here, folks - we all know that fast food is not exactly synonymous with health-conscious dining options. However, sometimes, it's just about convenience and indulging in a guilty pleasure without any guilt whatsoever. After all, who doesn't enjoy the mouthwatering goodness of a crispy Chili Cheese Frito Pie or an irresistible Chili Dog every now and then?

As for what people look for in fast food joints, I can attest to a few key factors that keep me coming back for more. Firstly, speedy service is a must-have. In today's hectic world, who has the time or patience to wait hours for their meal to arrive? Not me, that's for sure. Wienerschnitzel's efficient order-taking and delivery system ensures that you can have your meal in no time flat, making it perfect for those on a tight schedule. Secondly, affordability is another crucial aspect that attracts people to fast food chains like Wienerschnitzel. With prices that won't break the bank, it's a great option for families on a budget or students trying to make ends meet. Plus, with various meal deals and combo options available, you can get more bang for your buck without sacrificing taste or quality. Now, let me take you on a little journey to Wienerschnitzel, located on Redlands Boulevard in Moreno Valley (I'm intentionally being vague with the address to add an extra element of mystery and excitement). As I stepped out of my car, I couldn't help but notice the striking red and yellow signage that beckoned me towards the restaurant. The bustling crowd inside further fueled my anticipation as I joined the queue, eagerly awaiting my turn to place my order. As I browsed through the menu, I was struck by the sheer variety of options available - from classic hot dogs and hamburgers to more unconventional fare like chicken tenders and chili fries. After much deliberation, I finally settled on a loaded Chili Cheese Frito Pie, which didn't disappoint in terms of taste or portion size. The crispy shell was filled to the brim with savory chili, gooey melted cheese, and crunchy Fritos, making for a mouthwatering explosion of flavors. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Wienerschnitzel in Moreno Valley to anyone craving a quick and satisfying meal. With its speedy service, affordable prices, and delectable menu options, it's the perfect spot for fast food fanatics like myself. And who knows - maybe you'll even catch a glimpse of Goldman Sachs analysts forecasting dollar's further rise as global central banks consider rate cuts ahead of Fed's potential easing by year-end, with swaps market indicating 40bp reduction in Nov policy meeting) while you're there.

Carl's Jr.

Fast food
22700 Centerpoint Dr, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9397616, -117.2660594

Users reviews of Carl's Jr. Moreno Valley

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-18 by Ian

Last summer, my girlfriend and I went to Carl's Jr. Unfortunately, we were disappointed by the limited seating and uncomfortable atmosphere. Compared to other fast food joints in Moreno Valley, Carl's Jr. Nostalgia fills me as I recall our visit, longing for a better dining experience next time.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-20 by Ryan

Dear Ian,

I understand your disappointment with your recent visit to Carl's Jr. I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of the restaurant's atmosphere and seating. While it is true that some people may not enjoy the fast-paced environment or limited seating options at a typical fast food establishment, there are many reasons why others find this setup appealing. For starters, let's talk about the ambiance of Carl's Jr. Fast food restaurants are designed to be efficient and provide customers with quick service in order to accommodate their busy schedules. The bright lights, loud music, and fast-paced staff may not offer a luxurious dining experience, but it does ensure that you can get in and out of the restaurant quickly, especially during peak hours. As for the limited seating options, this is simply a result of the nature of the business model. Fast food restaurants are designed to serve large numbers of customers in a short amount of time, which means they need to optimize their space accordingly. While it may not be ideal for those seeking a more leisurely dining experience, many others appreciate the convenience and efficiency that comes with a quick turnaround. Additionally, let's consider the price point of Carl's Jr. Moreno Valley. Their menu offers a variety of affordable options for those on a budget or simply looking for a quick meal without breaking the bank. The value they provide is undeniable, and it's important to weigh this against the comfort level of their seating arrangements. In conclusion, while your experience at Carl's Jr. Fast food restaurants like Carl's Jr. Instead of focusing on the negatives, let's appreciate the positives that these establishments bring to our community and strive to find joy in even the simplest things.

Jack in the Box

Fast food
23577 Sunnymead Ranch Pkwy, Moreno Valley, CA 92557, United States

GPS : 33.9687208, -117.252894

Users reviews of Jack in the Box Moreno Valley


Fast food
12410 Day St, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.9405387, -117.2782042

Users reviews of Wendy's Moreno Valley

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-17 by Angela Cruz

As I strolled through the bustling streets of Moreno Valley, my taste buds were yearning for something savory and quick. My cravings led me to the Wendy's on Prospect Avenue, where I discovered a secret that could change your fast food experience forever- their daily specials.
People love visiting fast food restaurants because they offer convenience and affordability, allowing them to enjoy tasty meals without breaking the bank. However, what sets these establishments apart is their ability to cater to everyone's unique tastes while still maintaining consistent quality. Whether it be a juicy burger or crispy chicken sandwich, fast food has got us covered.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Molly O'donnell

As I ambled through the bustling streets of Moreno Valley, my rumbling stomach yearned for something savory and speedy. However, instead of finding solace in the welcoming arms of Wendy's on Prospect Avenue, I was met with a disappointing experience that left me questioning the sanity of Angela Cruz's taste buds.
First off, let me clarify that while fast food may offer convenience and affordability, it does not automatically grant a license to serve subpar meals. I mean, come on, we're still talking about food here. And if Angela's review is anything to go by, then Wendy's daily specials are more of a Special Needs Club for tasteless, bland offerings.
Now, I understand that everyone has their unique preferences when it comes to fast food, but let me tell you, if my taste buds were yearning for something savory and quick from Wendy's, they certainly didn't find it in their daily specials. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that those specials were leftovers from the day before, reheated to the point of extinction.
Moreover, Angela seems to have forgotten that fast food establishments are not gourmet restaurants. They do not cater to everyone's unique tastes or offer consistent quality. In fact, if you've ever had a Big Mac one day and another one the next, you'll notice a significant difference in taste and texture. And let's not even get started on the fries. One day they're crispy and golden, the next they're limp and soggy.
But the real kicker is Angela's claim that fast food has got us covered whether it be a juicy burger or crispy chicken sandwich. Well, I've had my fair share of Wendy's burgers and chicken sandwiches, and let me tell you, they are anything but juicy or crispy. In fact, their burgers remind me of those flat, soggy pancakes you get at some diners, and their chicken sandwiches taste like cardboard dipped in bland sauce.
Now, I'm not saying that Wendy's is the worst fast food establishment out there (that title goes to Slim Jims), but Angela's glowing review of their daily specials leaves me scratching my head in confusion. Maybe her taste buds have been permanently damaged by too many Mickey D's Big Macs, or maybe she's just a huge fan of bland, tasteless food. Either way, I'll stick to my trusty In-N-Out Burger and leave Wendy's to the taste budless masses.
And as a parting shot, let me leave you with this: If Angela's daily specials from Wendy's are anything to go by, then I'd rather eat a week-old Hot Pocket than subject myself to another bland and flavorless meal. And that, my friends, is no joke.

Baker's Drive-Thru

Fast food
12820 Day St, Moreno Valley, CA 92553, United States

GPS : 33.935332, -117.278464

Users reviews of Baker's Drive-Thru Moreno Valley

Carl's Jr. / Green Burrito

Fast food
27670 Eucalyptus Ave, Moreno Valley, CA 92555, United States

GPS : 33.9378485, -117.1803422

Users reviews of Carl's Jr. / Green Burrito Moreno Valley

Del Taco

Fast food
12641 Moreno Beach Drive, Moreno Valley, CA 92552, United States

GPS : 33.9364938, -117.1789869

Users reviews of Del Taco Moreno Valley

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Alice Page

it's my duty to share my honest opinion on the latest addition to our dining scene - Del Taco. Located at 12641 Moreno Beach Drive, nestled in the heart of Moreno Valley, this fast-food joint has garnered quite the buzz since its grand opening. The first thing that caught my eye was the vibrant yellow exterior that stood out against the dull brown facade of the neighboring buildings. As we approached the entrance, a group of teenagers in Del Taco uniforms greeted us with eager smiles and open arms. They looked fresh-faced and enthusiastic about their jobs - a rare sight in the fast-food industry where staff often seem disinterested or overworked. The interior was equally impressive. The walls were adorned with colorful murals of Mexican landscapes, while the tables and chairs were made of sturdy plastic that seemed durable enough to withstand the chaos of a busy lunch hour. Our server, a friendly middle-aged woman, handed us our menus and took our orders promptly. She was attentive without being overbearing, a refreshing change from the pushy waitstaff at other fast-food joints. As we waited for our food, I couldn't help but notice the cleanliness of the restaurant. The floors were spotless, and there wasn't a crumb or spill in sight. It was clear that Del Taco takes hygiene seriously, which is a huge plus in my book. When our meals arrived, it was time to put them to the test. My husband opted for the classic grilled chicken burrito, while I went for the more daring avocado bacon ranch burrito. We both agreed that the food was delicious and flavorful, with just the right amount of spice and creaminess. The portions were generous, which made it all the more satisfying. However, as a cynic, I couldn't help but wonder if Del Taco's success was sustainable in the long run. After all, the fast-food industry is notorious for its cutthroat competition and high turnover rates. It remains to be seen whether Del Taco can maintain its quality of service and food as it expands across the country. But for now, I'm happy to give this newcomer a glowing review. If you're ever in Moreno Valley, be sure to stop by Del Taco at 12641 Moreno Beach Drive. It might just become your new go-to spot for quick and delicious Mexican fare. Speaking of Moreno Valley, I recently visited the Alice Page - a charming little library nestled in the heart of town. To get there from Del Taco, you'll have to take Cactus Avenue west towards Towngate Road. From there, turn left onto Towngate Road and continue straight until you reach the Alice Page on your right-hand side. The journey was smooth, with minimal traffic and plenty of parking available near the library. The Alice Page itself is a cozy little gem that's filled to the brim with books for all ages. It's clear that this community resource is highly valued by the locals, who seem to be frequent visitors. But as someone who's skeptical about the long-term viability of traditional libraries in the digital age, I can't help but wonder how the Alice Page will adapt to the changing times. Will it continue to attract patrons in a world where e-books and audiobooks are becoming increasingly popular? Only time will tell, but for now, I'm grateful for this little oasis of literacy in the heart of Moreno Valley. In other news, ServiceNow has announced that its new AI product line will take some time to deliver significant benefits to its finances. CFO Gina Mastantuono revealed a major opportunity for the company but couldn't provide a clear timeline for $1B-$2. B in incremental revenue from current service desk users upgrading to Del Taco's new tier. The company still maintains its goal of $15B in subscription sales by 2026, which is higher than analyst estimates of $15. B. It remains to be seen whether ServiceNow can live up to these lofty expectations, but for now, investors seem optimistic about the company's prospects.

Carl's Jr.

Fast food
16130 Perris Blvd, Moreno Valley, CA 92551, United States

GPS : 33.8867529, -117.2257147

Users reviews of Carl's Jr. Moreno Valley

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